Friday, January 8, 2021

Hand 13 - 1NT vs 1 Major

This is chapter 13 in the story of my attempt to determine if it is better to open 1♠ or 1NT with 15 to 17 HCP and a five card ♠ suit.

The journey started with this post:
Later On

Here is the thirteenth hand I generated:


Dealer is North and everyone vulnerable.

Double Dummy:
6 can make by N/S
5 can make by N/S
4♠ can make by N/S
3NT can make by N/S


If North opens up 1NT I think East will probably show their ♣ suit by bidding 2♣. Some might have to "Double" to show a single suited hand. Whatever they need to do to show a single suited hand they will do.

South will bid Stayman in however way the partnership has agreed to do that.

Some play stolen bids so "Double" of 2♣ is now Stayman.

Some play cuebids so 3♣ by South now asks North if they have a four card major.

Of course if they are able to South can always bid 2♣ (Stayman) -- this really depends on what East has bid.

In any case the partnership will probably land in 3NT.

What happens if North opens 1♠?

If North opens up 1♠ I think East will show their ♣ suit by bidding 2♣.

South can make a Negative Double to show the other two suits.

North is kinda stuck over the Double. They can't bid NT because they don't have the ♣ stopper. But they will have to bid. So they will bid either 2 or 2. I'm quite confident that the better players would bid 2 because they are not worried about a possible 4-3 fit. They know they are trumping in the short side. Plus Partner could have a five card suit.

If North bids 2 South will bid 4. Which actually does better than 3NT even though they do not have an eight card fit! Even if South (with only 11 HCP) just invites with 3, North should bid the game. They are more than their minimum for sure.

If North bids 2 South will bid 3NT since they have the ♣ stopped.

Will they reasonably make the contract? Is the Double Dummy accurate?

In 3NT North just has to hold up once on the ♣ lead. Then they have to do the obvious finesse. That will get them eight tricks. For their ninth trick they have to choose to finesse the ♠ rather than the . This one is not so obvious because both will allow East to win the trick.

In 4 things are a little safer. Declarer MUST finesse the (which loses and will take you down if you are in 3NT) but the good thing here is that East cannot run their ♣ suit. North can trump!

So in the end I think most roads lead to 3NT (which does depend on a good guess to make) however the one road that leads to a better contract (4) is the road that starts with 1♠.

Plus by some fluky "All My Finesses Win" thing N/S do happen to make 6. They probably have a better shot of getting there over 1♠. I don't think they will but they have a better shot.

So I am giving 1♠ the win.

To see the table where all the hands are listed click HERE!

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