Saturday, December 29, 2018

Your call

Playing matchpoints. Both you and the Opponents are vulnerable.

Here is your hand:

Your RHO opened the bidding 1♠. What is your call?

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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Rebid by Opener

Playing matchpoints. Both you and the Opponents are vulnerable.

Here is your hand:

You are Dealer. You have 14 HCP and open the bidding 1♣. The Opponents are silent during the bidding. Partner responds 1♠. What is your call?

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Sunday, December 23, 2018

Rebids by Opener

Playing matchpoints. Both you and the Opponents are vulnerable.

Here is your hand:

You are Dealer. Last post we decided you are going to open the bidding 1 (even with the point count to open 1NT) because you have an unbalanced hand. The Opponents are silent during the bidding. Partner responds 1♠. What is your call?

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Thursday, December 20, 2018

What to Open?

Playing matchpoints. Both you and the Opponents are vulnerable.

Here is your hand:

You are Dealer. How many High Card Points do you have and what is your call?

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Monday, December 17, 2018

Responding to Partner

Playing matchpoints. Both you and the Opponents are vulnerable.

Here is your hand:

Partner is Dealer and opens the bidding 1! RHO says "Pass". What is your call?

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Friday, December 14, 2018

Responder Rebids

Playing matchpoints. Both you and the Opponents are vulnerable.

Here is your hand:

Partner is the Dealer and opens the bidding 1♣. The Opponents are silent during the bidding. Your first response is easy. 1♠. Partner rebids 1NT.

Partner should be showing a balanced hand with less than 15 HCP (a balanced hand with 15 HCP will open the bidding 1NT -- not 1♣) and fewer than four ♠. Partner will raise your ♠ suit with four ♠. What is your bid now?

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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

What does Opener show?

Playing matchpoints. Both you and the Opponents are vulnerable.

Here is your hand:

Partner is the Dealer and opens the bidding 1♣. The Opponents are silent during the bidding. Your first response is easy. 1♠. Partner rebids 1NT. Tell me what partner is showing.

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Saturday, December 8, 2018

Rebids by Responder

Playing matchpoints. Neither you nor the Opponents are vulnerable.

Here is your hand:

Your Partner opens the bidding 1NT. The Opponents are silent during the auction. We decided last post to respond 2♣. Stayman. You are asking Partner if they have a four card major. Partner bids 2. What is your call?

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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

What to bid over 1NT

Playing matchpoints. Neither you nor the Opponents are vulnerable.

Here is your hand:

Your Partner opens the bidding 1NT. Your RHO (Right Hand Opponent) says "Pass". What is your call?

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Sunday, December 2, 2018

To Open or not to Open?

Playing matchpoints. Both you and the Opponents are vulnerable.

Here is your hand:

You are Dealer. What is your call?

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