Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Question for Heidi

I have a question concerning a board I have played this week.

Dealer South:

♠ J982
♣ J92

♠ KQ75
♣ Q64

Pass 1
Pass Pass 1♠ 2NT
Pass Pass Pass

Should South have overcalled (after Wests 1 bid) 1 instead of 1♠?

Is it correct that North have passed after 2NT from West?

Thank you

Heidi's Answer

So if I have this right South originally started with a "Pass" (doesn't matter if they did or didn't) and then South's LHO (West) opened the bidding 1. North passed as did West's partner East. It was back to South again with this hand:

South had a couple of options -- 1♠ not being one of them. To overcall you need a good FIVE card suit. Now yes, in the balancing position you might be stuck, but here South was not.

So yes, South should have overcalled 1 instead of 1♠ IF they were going to overcall.

Another option South had was to make a Take Out Double instead of overcalling. This way they can potentially find a fit in either major. This works out well on this hand because they do not have a fit but they do have a ♠ fit. So, to be fair to South, bidding 1♠ did help the partnership discover their ♠ fit much better than 1 would have.

Now let's talk about West's 2NT bid.

West probably should not have bid 2NT. They probably meant to show a strong balanced hand with 18 or 19 HCP. However in THIS auction they would only need to bid 1NT to show this strong balanced hand. Why? Because their Partner PASSED their opening bid! Partner is broke. Don't get too high! If West just had a minimum hand that would normally rebid 1NT they should be PASSING now! Partner has nothing! Stay out of trouble!

Now back to North with this hand:
♠ J982
♣ J92

If my Partner makes a Take Out Double originally I will DOUBLE the 2NT bid. Penalty. You've bid too much opponents.

If my Partner makes a 1 overcall originally I might DOUBLE the 2NT bid. Penalty. You've bid too much opponents.

If my Partner makes a 1♠ overcall originally I still might DOUBLE the 2NT bid. Penalty. However with the 9 card fit I probably would not. I would probably raise my Partner's suit.

I think the best place to play is 2NT Doubled. Best for North/South I mean. I think West is going to be in big trouble -- those are not running and I know it.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Adventures with Heidi

Playing matchpoints. Neither you nor the Opponents are vulnerable.

Here is your hand:

Your LHO (Left Hand Opponent) opens the bidding 1♣. Your Partner overcalls 1♠. Your RHO (Right Hand Opponent) says "Pass". What is your call?

To put the pressure on you have ME as a Partner. Make me proud.

Show Answer

Monday, June 22, 2020

Cuebidding when Partner makes an Overcall

Warning: The following subject matter has been rated "E" for Experienced Players only.

This post continues on with the learning we did a few posts ago. Read this post first if you haven't already:
Bidding in Competition -- Learning how to CUEBID

"Hey, Heidi! I just love that new competitive cuebid -- can I use that when my Partner OVERCALLS!?!"


This is the best time for it. When Partner overcalls at the 1 level they don't even need an opening hand. But they could have an opening hand or even better. Cuebid the suit the Opponents opened to show your limit raise or better. That way you can show Partner you have a nice raise in your suit without going past the TWO level.

This does show support when Partner overcalls a major. When Partner overcalls a minor it might just be a forcing bid looking for NT. Even if you do have support in a minor you are mostly looking to play in NT in any case. NT just scores so much better.

So let's review the bids we know to make after Partner overcalled. We are doing this little review because they DON'T come up very often and the point count is slightly different when Partner overcalls verses opens the bidding. Once we review we can add the new bids to the pile.

A new suit is still forcing. You can play this non forcing -- partnership agreement. But Standard is forcing.

Values for the new suit depend on whether or not the suit overcalled was at the 1 level or the 2 level and also depends on whether on not the new suit was bid at the 1 level or 2 level.

The point count for bidding any level of NT remains the same. Note that these values are different compared with if Partner opened the bidding! As they should be. Opener has an opening hand but the Overcaller may not.

After a 1 level overcall:
1NT still shows 8 to 12 HCP.
2NT still shows 13 to 15 HCP.
3NT still shows 16 or more HCP.

After a 2 level overcall -- remember with a 2 level overcall Partner is supposed to have an opening hand so with an opening hand you need to bid a game!:
2NT still shows 11 or 12 HCP.
3NT still shows 13 or more HCP.

Yes, all NT bids require a STOPPER in Opener's suit and a (somewhat) balanced hand.

Now with the cuebid all JUMP RAISES of Partner's suit are PRE-EMPTIVE. That means that you get to jump to BOTH the 3 level AND the 4 level to show a weak hand. The difference between the two bids is the number of trump you hold.

Why would we want to do this? Why would we want to bid higher with fewer points?

Just like before, if you have a weak hand chances are the Opponents have more points then you. That means they will want to play the contract somewhere. Take away all that room in the auction so it is not so easy for them to figure out where! You don't have to worry about going down because you need extra trump to make these pre-emptive raises so you should be safe because of those extra trump. You might still go down but going down should be better for you than allowing the Opponents to play their contract.

So basically we are still doing this to really mess up the Opponents!

If you have a limit raise (11 or more points) or better in Partner's suit and want to support Partner right away you can now utilize that cuebid that works so well after Partner opens.

Whew! That is quite a bit.

So let's go over all these bids again with examples:

Bidding a New Suit at the 1 Level after Partner overcalls at the 1 Level

After a 1 level overcall, bidding a new suit at the 1 level is forcing and shows a decent FIVE card suit but also does not limit your hand so you could be much stronger. You should have enough to overcall yourself. Yes, you are supposed to have a FIVE card suit. Why are you taking Partner out of their good five card suit to play in your bad four card suit? You wouldn't. You need to have the good five card suit yourself. (Yes, I know, everyone ignores this rule. I've checked and double checked websites but that's what the experts still say.)

Example 1
Let's look at this auction:
Opener Partner Your Right Hand Opponent YOU!
1♣ 1 Pass ???

Your hand:

Bid 1♠. You could find a fit. If you don't maybe Partner can bid 1NT. Even if you don't find a fit and the Opponent's get to play the contract you get Partner off to the right lead.

Bidding a New Suit at the 2 Level after Partner overcalls at the 1 Level

After a 1 level overcall, bidding a new suit at the 2 level is forcing, shows a decent FIVE card suit and you should have a stronger hand. You should have close to an opening hand yourself. This is essentially the same as making a 2 level overcall because Partner does not promise all that much to make their 1 level overcall. A good suit with length can make up for some values however.

Example 1
Let's look at this auction:
Opener Partner Your Right Hand Opponent YOU!
1♣ 1♠ Pass ???

Your hand:

Bid 2. You could find a fit. Even if you don't maybe Partner can bid NT.

Bidding a New Suit at the 2 Level after Partner overcalls at the 2 Level

After a 2 level overcall, bidding a new suit at the 2 level is forcing, shows a decent FIVE card suit and but you don't need as many values. Partner is supposed to have an opening hand to overcall at the 2 level. You should have about 10 HCP or more.

Example 1
Let's look at this auction:
Opener Partner Your Right Hand Opponent YOU!
1♠ 2♣ Pass ???

Your hand:

Bid 2. You could find a fit. Even if you don't you can always go back to your ♣ fit.

Bidding Any Level of NT

After any interference, bidding any level of NT guarantees a stopper in the opponents suit PLUS a balanced hand. You are no longer forced to bid and should therefore be descriptive when you do bid.

Example 1
Let's look at this auction:
Opener Partner Your Right Hand Opponent YOU!
1♣ 1♠ Pass ???

Your hand:

Pass. You cannot bid 1NT because you don't have the Opponent's suit stopped. You cannot raise Partner. You cannot bid a new suit. You don't have a bid.

Example 2
Same auction:
Opener Partner Your Right Hand Opponent YOU!
1♣ 1♠ Pass ???

Your hand:

Bid 1NT. Tell Partner you have a winner in the Opponent's suit and about 8-12 HCP.

Example 3
Same auction:
Opener Partner Your Right Hand Opponent YOU!
1♣ 1♠ Pass ???

Your hand:

Bid 2NT. Tell Partner you have a winner in the Opponent's suit and about 13 to 15 HCP.

Example 4
Same auction:
Opener Partner Your Right Hand Opponent YOU!
1♣ 1♠ Pass ???

Your hand:

Bid 3NT. Tell Partner you have a winner in the Opponent's suit and 16+ HCP.

Example 5
Different auction -- this time Partner made a 2 level overcall:
Opener Partner Your Right Hand Opponent YOU!
1♠ 2♣ Pass ???

Your hand:

Bid 2NT. Tell Partner you have a winner in the Opponent's suit and about 11 or 12 HCP. Remember Partner with their 2 level overcall should have close to an opening hand.

Example 6
Same auction:
Opener Partner Your Right Hand Opponent YOU!
1♠ 2♣ Pass ???

Your hand:

Bid 3NT. Tell Partner you have a winner in the Opponent's suit and 13 or more HCP. Remember Partner with their 2 level overcall should have close to an opening hand.

Single Raise of Partner's Suit

Raising Partner’s suit one level shows the same 6 to a bad 10 points with a fit.

Example 1
Let's look at this auction:
Opener Partner Your Right Hand Opponent YOU!
1♣ 1♠ Pass ???

Your hand:

Bid 2♠. Tell Partner you have a fit for their major and about 6-10 points.

Here's the new stuff. This will really mess up the Opponents!

Preemptive Raise of Partner's Suit

After any interference, jumping in Partner’s suit is PRE-EMPTIVE and shows extra trump (bid to your LAW Level) plus a very weak hand with little to no defence.

(What is your LAW Level? Count the number of trumps between your hand and your Partner's hand. Subtract six for the book. That is your LAW Level.

If Partner overcalled 1 of a major they should have FIVE trump. If you have FOUR trump together the partnership holds NINE trump. Subtract six for the book. You get THREE. That is the level you bid to.

If Partner overcalled 1 of a major they should have FIVE trump. If you also have FIVE trump together the partnership holds TEN trump. Subtract six for the book. You get FOUR. That is the level you bid to.)

Example 1
Let's look at this auction:
Opener Partner Your Right Hand Opponent YOU!
1♣ 1♠ Pass ???

Your hand:

Bid 3♠. Tell Partner you have a weak hand with four trump for them.

At this point the Opponents have to guess whether or not they have enough to play at the FOUR level. But they are guessing at the FOUR level. You are not allowing them to take the time to explore whether or not they want to be that high. They have to decide NOW.

Example 2
Same auction:
Opener Partner Your Right Hand Opponent YOU!
1♣ 1♠ Pass ???

Your hand:

Bid 4♠. Tell Partner you have a weak hand with five trump for them.

At this point the Opponents have to guess whether or not they have enough to play at the FIVE level. But they are guessing at the FIVE level. You are not allowing them to take the time to explore whether or not they want to be that high. They have to decide NOW.

Cuebid of the Opponent's Suit

When Partner overcalls a major you can show a limit raise (or better) with a CUEBID of the opponent’s opening bid suit.

(What is a limit raise? Basically a limit raise shows about 11 or 12 points with support for Partner's opening suit.)

Example 1
Let's look at this auction:
Opener Partner Your Right Hand Opponent YOU!
1♣ 1♠ Pass ???

Your hand:

You've got a nice hand and if Partner has a good overcall you do want to get to a game. But if Partner just has a minimum overcall maybe not.

Bid 2♣. Tell Partner you have a ♠ fit with them and limit raise values or better. So at least 11 points with support for their ♠. They will bid again and if they have a good overcall Partner can bid a game. But this way if Partner is minimum you can stay safe and happy at the 2 level only.

Let's practice. That always helps!

On the following hands your LHO is going to open 1. Your Partner is going to overcall 1♠. RHO will "Pass". What are YOU going to do???

Hand 1

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 2

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 3

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 4

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 5

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 6

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 7

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 8

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 9

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 10

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 11

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 12

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 13

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:


What is your bid?

Hand 14

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 15

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 16

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 17

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 18

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 19

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 20

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 21

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 22

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 23

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 24

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 25

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 26

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 27

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 28

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 29

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 30

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 31

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 32

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 33

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 34

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 35

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 36

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 37

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 38

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 39

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 40

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 41

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 42

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 43

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 44

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 45

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 46

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 47

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 48

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 49

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 50

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 51

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 52

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 53

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 54

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 55

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 56

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 57

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 58

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 59

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Hand 60

This is the auction:
Opener Partner Right Hand Opponent You!
1 1♠ Pass ???

Here is your hand:

What is your bid?

Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Rule of 20

WARNING: The following post is for more EXPERIENCED players. Do NOT read this post if you have only played for a year or two. Realistically maybe 5 years or so. Wait a few more years and then come back. You won't be nearly as scared then.

I just received a question on my blog. It is about opening the bidding. Here it is:

I have few questions:
1- Some bridge systems count only 3 points for a void. Do you agree?
2- May I open a bid (1 Spade) if I hold 5 spades, 10HCP and a 6 Club cards (2 length points)?
3- May I open a bid (1 Spade) if I hold 5 spades, 9HCP or 5 Heart Cards (1 Length Point), and 6 Club cards (2 Length points)?

Opening the bidding when you are first starting out is quite different from opening the bidding when you have more experience. When you have even more experience it changes yet again. Depending on your style your opening bid will range in points and distribution. So some people will open the bidding on hands that others won't. This is all good. As long as you are comfortable with your style.

Another factor to think about is just how well do you play the hand? If you play the hand very well start to think about opening the hands a bit lighter. If you don't play the hand well at all stick with good solid openers. No point in getting higher in the bidding if you will just go down.

To answer Question 1:
Way back in the dark ages people were taught to count 3 points for a void in order to have the 13 points needed to open the bidding. That is old school. For the most part I DO like old school VERY MUCH but I don't (and have never) used that method. I don't like it.

How do I teach?

When I get new players I teach them to open with 13 HCP (High Card Points) and no fewer. They don't get to count length. They don't get to count voids or singletons when they are opening the bidding. They have to wait until they know they are going to be Dummy. Now they can count shortness. This works for NEW players because they don't know how to play the hand very well at all. They don't know what a finesse is. They forget to take out trump. It is devastating for them to go down in their contract. It is for all these reasons (and more) that they need a GOOD SOLID opener.

But then they play. They improve. I now allow them to open with a good 12 HCP. This works.

But then they play some more. They get better still. They get tougher. They understand that just because they went down in their contract it wasn't the end of the world. Maybe it stopped their Opponents from playing the hand and things worked out anyhow. Now it is time for them to learn the "Rule of 20".

What is the "Rule of 20"?

The "Rule of 20" is a rule you use in determining whether or not you should open the bidding. It tends to be used in first and second seat mostly. (Third seat most experienced players open a bit light anyhow and opening bids tend to be more lead directional when they are light -- and fourth seat you are supposed to use the "Rule of 15".)

The "Rule of 20" says to count your HCP and add that to the LENGTH in your two LONGEST suits. If that equals 20 or more then open the bidding.

Something most people tend to ignore is that you should have your HIGH cards in your LONG suits.

Another tidbit which should be added is that you should have a couple of quick tricks. What is a quick trick? An Ace is a quick trick. An AK together is two quick tricks.

We talked about values in the suits. High spot cards in the suits are very important also. (The spot cards are the cards with spots -- or pips -- on them. These are the 2s through 9s and having QJT987 for a suit is MUCH DIFFERENT than having QJ5432 for a suit.)

Vulnerability? That's another factor. If you are VULNERABLE you are better off having a good hand when you open the bidding. If you go down two Vulnerable you give the Opponents 200 points. That is better than any part score they can make. Something to think about for sure.

These are the main things to consider.

So let's look at some examples.

Your hand:

You have 10 HCP. You have five ♠ and five . So 10 HCP + 5 (length in longest suit) + 5 (length in next longest suit) = 20.

All your HCP are in your long suits. Good.

You have two quick tricks -- those two Aces. Good.

This is a hand you can open the bidding.

Your hand:

You have 10 HCP. You have five ♠ and five . So 10 HCP + 5 (length in longest suit) + 5 (length in next longest suit) = 20.

Are your HCP are in your long suits? No.

This is a hand you should NOT open the bidding.

Your hand:

You have 10 HCP. You have five ♠ and five . So 10 HCP + 5 (length in longest suit) + 5 (length in next longest suit) = 20.

All your HCP are in your long suits. Good.

Do you have two quick tricks? No.

This is a hand you should NOT open the bidding.

Those were easy examples. They get tougher. Your hand:

You have 10 HCP. You have five ♠ and five . So 10 HCP + 5 (length in longest suit) + 5 (length in next longest suit) = 20.

Are all your HCP are in your long suits. Mostly...

Do you have two quick tricks? Yes

Will you open the bidding? You have to open 1♠. You have a pretty bad suit. Some people will open this hand and others will not. I probably would not. My suit is just too terrible. I don't like my Doubleton Q♣. She is not pulling her weight.

Switch the suits and you get this hand:

Your hand:

You have 10 HCP. You have five ♠ and five . So 10 HCP + 5 (length in longest suit) + 5 (length in next longest suit) = 20.

Are all your HCP are in your long suits. Mostly...

Do you have two quick tricks? Yes

Will you open the bidding? I get to open 1♠. I have a very nice ♠ suit and some distribution. I am much more likely to open this hand. If I was not vulnerable I would. If I was vulnerable I might not. My spots could be better. It's tricky.

So now that you have an idea on what the "Rule of 20" says, let's get back to those questions.

With five ♠ and six ♣ and 10 HCP you potentially could open the bidding. You have 10 HCP + 11 for the length in your two longest suits.

But is your hand this?

Hand A:

Or this?

Hand B:

Hand B I would open but Hand A I would not.

Hand B I would open 1♣. Show my length. I would not open 1♠. I want to show my 6-5 in the black suits.

With 9 HCP? Rule of 20 says you are fine. 9 HCP + 11 for the length in the two longest suits.

Hand C:

So Hand C I would open 1♣.

It gets a little trickier with .

Hand D:

If you open Hand D what do you open? 1♣ to show the length or 1?

I personally like to open my length first but if I open Hand D 1♣ and Partner bids 1♠ now I cannot show my . That would be a reverse.

On the other hand if I open 1 and Partner bids 1♠ I can rebid 2♣.

But I really don't like to do that at all.

Hand D I would probably just "Pass" and hope to show my distribution LATER ON. Remember just because you originally "Pass" doesn't ban you from bidding later on. Later on you can go wild in the bidding if needed. I like to do that also.

So there are hands that are identical that if you switch my ♠ suit to a suit I go from opening the hand to passing the hand. It is much easier to show ♠ when you open later on than it is to show later on when you open.

So opening the bidding is really very much a STYLE thing. What I like to open on is different from what others like to open on. Hopefully you and your Partner are on the same wavelength and it all works out. But honestly, me and my Partners sometimes are NOT on the same wavelength as to whether or not we should open the bidding and therefore hands are bid quite differently than they would be if each got the other's hand. That's the fun of bridge. Every hand an adventure.

Remember IF you open the bidding LIGHT Partner might not understand. Things will work out beautifully if you have a fit. Things can get ugly if you do NOT have a fit. If you do not have a fit and Partner has an opening hand they will still get the partnership to a game because after all you DID open the bidding and now you will probably go down. This is a risk you take. But life is not without risk. Partner will soon learn that you could be opening on distribution and maybe they will be a little more wary.

Try to open with the suit you have values in. If you don't get the contract at least you got Partner off to the best lead.

However I do like to show length first. So that is a priority with ME. (This does not have to be a priority with you.)

So let's look at some hands.

I did 30 random hands.

Ten hands with 10 HCP and five ♠ and six ♣. (Question 2).

Ten hands with 9 HCP and five ♠ and six ♣. (Question 3).

Ten hands with 9 HCP and five and six ♣. (Question 3).

Would I open the bidding with any of them? Let's see.

I can tell you right now that I rarely open the bidding with 9 HCP and five and six in a minor. I would rather wait and come in later. Most of the time I can then show a distributional hand with fewer values. That describes my hand better. My Partners are like your Partners -- if I open the bidding they think I have an opening hand. They don't get the joke right away. When they do get the joke we are two or three levels higher than we should be and most of the time Doubled.

So keep in mind that this is what I would open the bidding. I don't mind going down in contracts. I have Partners that do understand that I will open light because of distribution. This does not mean that YOU need to open the bidding with these hands. Do NOT do it if you are uncomfortable opening the bidding with fewer values. You are MUCH SAFER if you just "Pass" these hands. Most of the time you can come in later on if it is right to do so.

Some of these are very close.

We talked about having two quick tricks. Sometimes I do ignore that rule. I am prepared to take the consequences if this backfires on me.

These opening light hands are just judgement calls and some days I am feeling a little friskier than others. Some days I get bored because I don't get as many hands. I am more likely to open in both those cases.

Okay, you were warned. Here goes. These are the hands -- see if you think I would open or not. I explain my reasoning and you can certainly disagree. I'm good with that.

Hand 1



Hand 2


Hand 3



Hand 4


Hand 5



Hand 6


Hand 7



Hand 8


Hand 9


Hand 10



Hand 11


Hand 12



Hand 13


Hand 14



Hand 15



Hand 16


Hand 17


Hand 18


Hand 19



Hand 20


Hand 21


Hand 22


Hand 23


Hand 24


Hand 25



Hand 26



Hand 27



Hand 28


Hand 29


Hand 30
