Monday, March 22, 2021

Hand 22 - 1NT vs 1 Major

This is chapter 22 in the story of my attempt to determine if it is better to open 1♠ or 1NT with 15 to 17 HCP and a five card ♠ suit.

The journey started with this post:
Later On

Here is the twenty-second hand I generated:


Dealer is East and E/W are vulnerable.

Double Dummy:
4♠ can make by E/W
4♣ can make by E/W
1NT can make by E/W
3 can make by N/S
2 can make by N/S


If East opens up 1NT I think South will "Pass" but what will West do?

They are too weak to bid Stayman to find a four-four ♠ fit.

West will either "Pass" or make a 2♠ (Relay) bid. 2♠ forces East to say 3♣ which West will "Pass".

If West passes the 1NT opening bid North will probably come in. Since East has a good ♠ suit I said they would now show it. West should certainly bid game now.

But that relies on North coming in.

What happens if East opens 1♠?

West will bid 2♠.

Will North come in? Probably.

When North comes in I said that East would not explore further with 15 or 16. However I think West will bid at least 3♠ to show their fourth ♠.

That might be all the encouragement East needs to bid the game.

Both these rely on North to bid.

What happens if North does NOT bid.

You find your best fit when East opens 1♠. So that is the winning call.

To see the table where all the hands are listed click HERE!

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