Thursday, September 10, 2020

Question for Heidi

Hi Heidi,

North opened 2♣, partner responded 2 (probably could be 3), I don't know how best to continue. What would you suggest if partner responded 3 versus 2?

EW vulnerable, W is dealer:


Heidi's Answer

I like South's 2 bid. If they bid 3 that takes up WAY TOO MUCH bidding space and the partnership could have a 4-4 fit in and never find it. Plus their suit is pretty terrible and not even that long. So South should bid 2 for sure.

What would I rebid on the North hand?

I'd probably bid 2NT rather than my suit. My hand is pretty balancedish. Plus I play a rebid of 3♣ would be 100% forcing to game even if Partner has nothing. I don't think I want to do that on this hand.

After I bid 2NT I assume my Partner will bid Stayman. I will deny a four card major and Partner will then upgrade their 10 count because of their five card suit and put us into 6NT since I showed 22 to 24 HCP.

Looks like 6NT will make. Just knock out the A.

Explain that further please!

What do you mean by "upgrade their 10 count...."? Do you mean partner can add length count of their 5 card suit, so they have 11 points, adding to my minimum 22 HCP, it would be enough for 6NT with 33 HCP?

If my guess is true, I thought we only add length count to declarer or is it different for NT contract?

Furthermore, is it not better to ask for Aces before committing to 6NT (as with an added HCP, we could be still missing 2 Aces), or you would rather take that risk and not disclose our hands too much to the opponents?

Heidi's Answer Part 2

Yes. Partner will take their 10 count and add a length point so they have 11 points. Then force to slam because of the combined 33 HCP.

Declarer does count length points. But a frisky responder can also add points for length if they don't mind taking a chance or two. A five card suit means a good chance for five tricks. This can get the partnership too high sometimes but most of the time the trick taking ability of the five card suit makes it worth the risk.

But you are absolutely correct. The partnership could be off two Aces. They are taking a risk.

Unfortunately there is no way to ask for Aces once South bids Stayman. Gerber is supposed to be a JUMP to 4♣. So after Opener bids 3, 4♣ would no longer be a jump.

However if you and Partner both feel it SHOULD be Gerber then that is all that counts. You can then bid 4♣ to ask for Aces. That would be the safe way to do it.

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