Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Your Bid Again!

Here's a hand that came up today.

You hold this hand:

You are Dealer and get to open the bidding. What is your bid?

1. Perfect.

Now your LHO overcalls 1. Partner bids 1♠. RHO bids 2. Back to you. What will you bid now?

Now originally after your 1 opening bid you would have responded 2♣ to most bids Partner could make. But you can no longer do that. Those pesky opponents are bidding! Now if you were to bid your ♣ suit you would have to respond 3♣. Is that your bid?

Bidding 3♣ right now shows five and four ♣ (which you have) BUT it also shows a BIG hand (which you don't have). This is just like the opponents didn't bid and you opened 1 and rebid 3♣. So that's out. What other bids can you think of?

How about 2NT? What about that bid?

This is wrong for many reasons. This shows a balanced hand, at least one stopper in the opponents suit () and about 18 or 19 HCP. None of which you have.

Hmmmm. What bid is left?

That's right. Pass. Good bid. Remember 2 will get Passed around to Partner who still can bid. If you are missing a game or have a fit somewhere Partner will make another bid. Right now if you make ANY bid other than Pass (or raising Partner to 2♠) you are showing a big hand.

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