Sunday, August 14, 2016

Responding to Partner

Here's a hand that came up the other day.

You hold this hand:

Partner is Dealer and Passes. Your RHO Passes. It is your turn to bid. What is your bid?

You open the bidding 1♠ and LHO Passes. Partner now responds 2. Is this a forcing bid? What is Partner showing? If your RHO Passes, what is your bid?

This is NOT a forcing bid. Partner is a Passed hand. Normally it would be a forcing bid because Partner could have an opening hand or better. But Partner started off with a Pass. Partner does not have an opening hand.

Partner is showing that they have at least 10 HCP and at least five .

You have 14 HCP and 3 Dummy points. You have a fit for Partner's . They should have at least a five card suit. Partner is also showing 10 HCP. Together with your 17 points you have enough for game. Your bid should be 4.

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