Playing matchpoints. Both sides are vulnerable.
Here is your hand:
Three "Passes" to your Partner who opens the bidding 2♣. The Opponents do not come in the auction. You respond with a 2
♦ "waiting" bid. This shows zero or more points. Now Partner bids 2
♥. They should have a five card suit.
You have a TERRIBLE hand. What is your call?
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If you have a second negative bid I'm okay if you want to bid that. If you don't know what a second negative bid is you don't play it.
Otherwise you've GOT to support your Partner's suit!
Bid either 3♥ or 4♥ -- depending on what Partner thinks is weaker.
But you've GOT TO BID!!!
If you "Pass" 2♥ Partner will play there (unlikely the Opponent's are coming in!) and take twelve tricks!
Yes, twelve tricks with your lousy hand.
You even take three tricks yourself!
Partner's hand:
Maybe you are thinking Partner should have shown a stronger hand. But they did open 2♣. They show a strong hand when they open 2♣. They don't want to jump to 3♥ over your 2♦ bid because they don't have enough ♥ to do this. That takes up too much room in the bidding also.
No. Partner should rebid 2♥ and TRUST YOU to bid again. Then they will bid their game.
If Partner needed you to have some points to make a game they would have opened the bidding 1♥. Now if you have nothing you will "Pass" and you won't be too high.
If Partner wants to be in a game if you have no points they start with a 2♣ bid. That forces you to bid -- even with nothing!
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