Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Rebids by Responder

Playing matchpoints. You are vulnerable and the Opponents are not vulnerable.

Here is your hand:

Partner opens the bidding 1. The Opponents are silent during the auction. You respond 1. (That's pretty easy.) Now Partner rebids 1♠. What is your call?

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  1. I am surprised that 2NT in this situation is only 11-12 points……...I would think more like 18-19...Of course I would have bid 3NT......Game…….please explain

    1. You might be thinking about when OPENER jumps to 2NT.
      1D - 1H

      So yes, that would show 18 or 19 balanced. But that is OPENER. This post was about RESPONDER.

  2. This is basically the same auction as 1 Diamond - 2NT. You must have a point count for that. Most people play that as 11 or 12 points nowadays.
    If you show a four card major before bidding the NT (which you should) this does NOT change your point count for the 2NT rebid. So 1NT would still be 6 to 10, 2NT would still be 11 or 12, 3NT would still be 13-15.
