Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Responder Rebids

Here is your hand:

Partner has dealt and opened the bidding 1♣. You respond 1♠. That bid is pretty easy. No point in jumping in the bidding. 1♠ is a forcing bid and Partner must bid again. I MUST remember to get this partnership to game because Partner opened the bidding and I have an opening hand.

The opponents Pass throughout the auction.

Partner responds 4♠. What is your bid?

Wait a minute. First tell me what Partner is showing for their bid.

Now what is your bid?

Show Answer


  1. How do I know partner does not have the 'weak freak' hand with his 4S bid. Showing few HCPs, a void or singleton, and long spades?

  2. Partner opened the bidding. Partner must have at least an opening hand. Plus if they had more than four spades they would probably have opened the bidding one spade.
    I think you might be thinking of when responder jumps to 4 spades after their partner opens the bidding 1 spade. Responder would do that with the "weak freak" hand.
