Opening 1 of a FIVE card suit and taking Partner out of 1NT by now bidding a lower ranking FOUR card suit
What do you do as Opener when you have an UNBALANCED hand?
Here is your hand:
You decide to open the bidding 1♠ but then Partner bids 1NT. Bidding 1NT as Responder does NOT say they have a balanced hand. It just says Responder has 6 to 10 HCP and no fit for ♠.
In any case YOU are unbalanced. You should take Partner out of their 1NT bid and bid 2♣. Partner now can choose between your ♠ suit and your ♣ suit. Either contract should be safer than 1NT.
This was an extreme example. Your hand does not even have to be as unbalanced. If you open 1 of a major and Partner responds 1NT you should take Partner out of 1NT any time you have an unbalanced hand. This could be anytime you hold a six card suit OR anytime you hold a five card suit and another four (or more) card suit. With these holdings you either have a singleton or two doubletons. This makes the hand unbalanced.
Also note that this should be a LOWER RANKING four card suit. This will be explained in another post.
Say this is your hand:
You decide to open the bidding 1♠ but then Partner bids 1NT. You should take Partner out of their 1NT bid and bid 2♣. Partner now can choose between your ♠ suit and your ♣ suit. This should show at least a five card suit and at least a four card suit.
When you rebid a lower ranking suit this does NOT limit your hand much. You could have as much as 18 HCP. (With more you can make a JUMP SHIFT.)
Let's practice. On the following hands you will open the bidding and Partner will respond 1NT. What will you now bid?
Hand 1
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