Saturday, July 8, 2017

Rebidding with Support

Here is your hand:

You are Dealer and decide to open the bidding ♣. The Opponents Pass throughout the bidding. Partner bids 1. What is your call?

Count your points. How many points do you have?

What is your bid?

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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

What Should NT Opener Do?

Here is your hand:

You are Dealer and decide to open the bidding 1NT playing "15 to 17". Your RHO says "Pass". Partner bids 2♣. Your RHO says "Pass". What is your call?

Partner is bidding Stayman. They are asking you if you have a four card major. You do! You respond 2♠. The Opponents Pass throughout the bidding. Over your 2♠ bid Partner says 4NT. What is your call?

What does Partner have for their bidding?

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