Should you open 1 of a major or 1NT with a five card major and 15 to 17 HCP? That is the question that I am seeking an answer to.
After looking at some hands I realized that opening 1♠ was a little bit different from opening up 1
vs 1NT
How will I analyze this?
I started by analyzing open 1NT vs opening 1♠. I have the results I have looked at so far in this post:
I am continuing the fun by looking at another 64 random hands with 15 to 17 HCP but this time five
and 3-2-2 distribution in the other suits. I generated the hands by using this website:
You can specify HCP and also number of cards in the suits among other things.
So I set the hand generator to create 64 hands (the most you can do) with five
Obviously I won't know what will happen at the table. Contracts that should go down sometimes make. Contracts that should make sometimes go down. But I have to assume best play for results. Therefore the results I am looking are Double Dummy results. Double Dummy results can be a little tricky. Double Dummy results assume that you know what ALL four hands are and play accordingly. We don't get to do that. I will look at some to make sure the Double Dummy forecast is somewhat accurate though. If you have to drop a singleton King offside to make the contract I assume you will go down.
On the hands that I am unsure of I give to my students. If they can make the contract I assume that you will. If they can defeat a contract I assume that you will.
Will 64 Hands give a definitive answer?
No. But it's a start. Eventually I hope to add more and more hands. But depending on how many hands go one way it might be good enough for me. If on all 64 hands it is better to open 1
then I might be convinced. If it is better to open 1
Good question. I need to be consistent.
If they have 15 or 16 HCP I will just have them "Pass" if Responder responds 1NT. They might miss a few games if Responder has 9 or 10 HCP but they will also stay low if Responder has 6 to 8 HCP. This is not ideal but it is the easiest thing to do. This is where the people playing a forcing 1NT bid might get to a better spot. You could rebid a lower ranking three card suit but I'm going to assume you will NOT do that. That's a little complicated for my audience.
If they have 15 HCP I will just have them rebid 2NT if Responder responds in a new suit at the 2 level to show 10 or more High Card Values. They might miss a few games if Responder has 10 or 11 HCP but they will also stay low if Responder has 10 HCP. This is not ideal but it is the easiest thing to do. This is where the people playing a forcing 1NT bid might get to a better spot. You could rebid a lower ranking three card suit but I'm going to assume you will NOT do that. That's a little complicated for my audience.
I will have them playing Standard American -- not 2/1 Game Forcing. Again a little complicated for my audience.
If they can open 1NT and are able to then come back in later to bid their suit I will assume they will do so if they have a GOOD suit. But I won't assume they will bid if they have a bad suit.
If they have 17 HCP I will just have them invite game with 2NT if Responder responds 1NT. They might get a little high because this does show 18 or 19 HCP but you do have that five card suit so you should be safe most of the time.
This is the table that will hold all the results.
Hands |
Analysis |
Verdict |
Hand 1
Dealer: NorthNone Vul |
North♠J2♥AKQT8♦A76 ♣K84 |
West♠K73 ♥97654♦J542 ♣J |
East♠65♥J2♦T983 ♣QT762 |
South♠AQT984♥3♦KQ ♣A953 |
6NT can make by N/S
N/S 6♠
N/S 6♥
N/S 4♦
N/S 4♣
Shouldn't matter. Either way the partnership will get to a small slam and make. For more information click here. |
Doesn't matter |
Hand 2
Dealer: EastN/S Vul |
North♠T942♥QJT♦A84 ♣J32 |
West♠KQ873 ♥732♦QT652 ♣ |
East♠J6♥A9865♦K97 ♣AK9 |
South♠A5♥K4♦J3 ♣QT87654 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 2 |
My verdict for 2 |
Hand 3
Dealer: SouthE/W Vul |
North♠872♥93♦QJT32 ♣Q83 |
West♠QJT3 ♥4♦K54 ♣JT952 |
East♠654♥AKJ82♦A96 ♣76 |
South♠AK9♥QT765♦87 ♣AK4 |
1NT can make by N/S
N/S 1♦
E/W 1♠
E/W 2♣
1NT gets N/S to the best possible place -- either in 1NT themselves or 2♥ by East. For details you can check out this post: Hand 3 |
1NT |
Hand 4
Dealer: WestBoth Vul |
North♠KQJ2♥J♦AQT8643 ♣9 |
West♠A84 ♥AKQ64♦752 ♣K3 |
East♠93♥8753♦J9 ♣QT872 |
South♠T765♥T92♦K ♣AJ654 |
N/S 5♠
N/S 5♦
E/W can make 2♥
Shouldn't matter what West opens. North has a VERY strong distributional hand and won't be stopped with either bid! |
Doesn't matter. |
Hand 5
Dealer: NorthN/S Vul |
North♠AK8♥KQ873♦K98 ♣T7 |
West♠J9753 ♥♦AJ ♣Q86543 |
East♠T♥J9642♦T2 ♣AKJ92 |
South♠Q642♥AT5♦Q76543 ♣ |
N/S 4♥
N/S 4♦
N/S 3♠
E/W 5♣
Even with the bad trump break (East has FIVE of them) N/S can make a game. If North opens 1NT they will not find their best fit. |
1♥ |
Hand 6
Dealer: EastE/W Vul |
North♠Q5♥973♦KJ8542 ♣73 |
West♠832 ♥AK♦3 ♣AKQT862 |
East♠AK♥QT865♦AQT ♣J54 |
South♠JT9764♥J42♦976 ♣9 |
E/W 7♥
E/W 7♣
I think either way West will force to a slam. Probably not the grand but opening either way won't help. |
Doesn't Matter |
Hand 7
Dealer: SouthAll Vul |
North♠Q3♥J4♦AQ763 ♣QT65 |
West♠JT87652 ♥53♦J ♣KJ2 |
East♠A♥T872♦T9542 ♣A73 |
South♠K94♥AKQ96♦K8 ♣984 |
3♥ can make by N/S
N/S will get to play in 3NT no matter what they open. North has enough to bid at the 2 level and that is all South will need to bid game themselves. |
Doesn't matter |
Hand 8
Dealer: WestNone Vul |
North♠83♥QJT9♦KT8543 ♣4 |
West♠AT2 ♥AK764♦A76 ♣J9 |
East♠Q764♥8♦Q92 ♣Q7653 |
South♠KJ95♥532♦J ♣AKT82 |
E/W 2♠
E/W 2♣ can make by E/W
E/W 1♥
E/W 1♦
West will play in 1NT regardless of what they open. |
Doesn't matter |
Hand 9
Dealer: NorthE/W Vul |
North♠Q6♥AQ875♦AQ9 ♣JT4 |
West♠942 ♥JT9♦8753 ♣KQ8 |
East♠AJ8♥63♦KJT6 ♣A962 |
South♠KT753♥K42♦42 ♣753 |
N/S 2♥
N/S 1♠
E/W 2♦
E/W 2♣
Opening 1♥ will get N/S to 2♥ -- even if East makes a Take Out Double. Opening 1NT gets N/S to 2♠ since South will transfer. ♥ plays a trick better. |
1♥ |
Hand 10
Dealer: EastAll Vul |
North♠54♥T764♦KJ73 ♣632 |
West♠Q9763 ♥2♦QT42 ♣J87 |
East♠AT2♥KJ953♦A9 ♣KQT |
South♠KJ8♥AQ8♦865 ♣A954 |
E/W 3♠
E/W 1♥
E/W 1♦
1NT gets E/W to the best possible place (♠) at a much safer level. For details you can check out this post: Hand 10 |
1NT |
Hand 11
Dealer: SouthNone Vul |
North♠KJT8♥76♦KQ ♣QJT72 |
West♠A976 ♥843♦J963 ♣K8 |
East♠32♥QJ9♦T752 ♣6543 |
South♠Q54♥AKT52♦A84 ♣A9 |
S 6♠
S 6♥
N 5♠
N 5♥
Either will get South (not North!) to 3NT. |
Doesn't matter |
Hand 12
Dealer: WestN/S Vul |
North♠KT63♥Q54♦JT52 ♣65 |
West♠AQ5 ♥KJT86♦AQ8 ♣84 |
East♠42♥A93♦K963 ♣AKT9 |
South♠J987♥72♦74 ♣QJ732 |
E/W 6♥
W 6♦
E 5♦
NT plays better than ♥ so that is the winning bid. If you open 1NT you do not find the ♥ fit which is a good contract but not the best. |
1NT |
Hand 13
Dealer: NorthAll Vul |
North♠K4♥A8543♦AK7 ♣Q52 |
West♠T9876 ♥Q♦Q8 ♣T9643 |
East♠A53♥T9762♦632 ♣AJ |
South♠QJ2♥KJ♦JT954 ♣K87 |
N/S 5♦
No matter what N/S will reach 3NT -- which is where they belong. |
Doesn't matter |
Hand 14
Dealer: EastNone Vul |
North♠53♥QT95♦K754 ♣AQ8 |
West♠JT7 ♥J4♦AT2 ♣JT732 |
East♠AK6♥AK762♦Q96 ♣64 |
South♠Q9842♥83♦J83 ♣K95 |
E/W 2♣
E/W 1♠
E/W 1♥
E/W 1♦
No matter what E/W will get to 1NT -- either by East if they open 1NT or West if they respond 1NT to East's open 1♥ bid. |
Doesn't matter |
Hand 15
Dealer: SouthN/S Vul |
North♠98652♥T52♦52 ♣T96 |
West♠KT ♥K86♦KQJT94 ♣72 |
East♠AQ43♥A3♦76 ♣Q8543 |
South♠J7♥QJ974♦A83 ♣AKJ |
E/W 4♦
E/W 3♣
E/W 1♠
I think either way West will come in with their ♦ suit and N/S will stop bidding. |
Doesn't matter |
Hand 16
Dealer: WestE/W Vul |
North♠J954♥A92♦J962 ♣Q9 |
West♠KT7 ♥KQ754♦A7 ♣K82 |
East♠8632♥J6♦KQ543 ♣A3 |
South♠AQ♥T83♦T8 ♣JT7654 |
E/W 3♠
E/W 3♥
E/W 2♦
E/W 1♣
1NT works best because you will bid your game that makes. For details you can check out this post: Hand 16 |
1NT |
Hand 17
Dealer: NorthNone Vul |
North♠A4♥AQ873♦Q63 ♣QJ4 |
West♠Q6 ♥KT9♦JT954 ♣A75 |
East♠KJ98♥J65♦AK72 ♣93 |
South♠T7532♥42♦8 ♣KT862 |
N/S 3♣
N/S 1♥
N/S 1♠
W 3♦
E 2♦
1♥ allows the partnership to stay LOW in the bidding -- which they need to on this hand. For details you can check out this post: Hand 17 |
1♥ |
Hand 18
Dealer: EastN/S Vul |
North♠J65♥72♦JT6 ♣KT954 |
West♠KT7 ♥KT54♦K82 ♣QJ3 |
East♠AQ2♥AQJ86♦Q4 ♣762 |
South♠9843♥93♦A9753 ♣A8 |
E/W 3♥
E/W 1♠
E/W 1♣
N/S 1♦
1NT gives the best chance of getting to the game that makes (3NT) and avoiding the game that goes down. For details you can check out this post: Hand 18 |
1NT |
Hand 19
Dealer: SouthE/W Vul |
North♠T85♥5♦AK862 ♣QJT4 |
West♠A72 ♥KJ4♦T975 ♣875 |
East♠J963♥T732♦Q3 ♣A93 |
South♠KQ4♥AQ986♦J4 ♣K62 |
N/S 2♠
N/S 2♥
N/S 3♦
N/S 3♣
1♥ allows the bidding to remain low and stop in a makeable contract. For details you can check out this post: Hand 19 |
1♥ |
Hand 20
Dealer: WestAll Vul |
North♠A53♥3♦Q7 ♣AKJ9873 |
West♠QJ4 ♥AKQ84♦K65 ♣64 |
East♠KT82♥J9752♦943 ♣Q |
South♠976♥T6♦AJT82 ♣T52 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 20 |
My verdict for 20 |
Hand 21
Dealer: NorthN/S Vul |
North♠KQ♥AKT52♦932 ♣A74 |
West♠864 ♥QJ964♦K ♣QT65 |
East♠75♥73♦AQJT76 ♣K98 |
South♠AJT932♥8♦854 ♣J32 |
N/S 3♠
E/W 2♦
I think either way N/S will end up in 2♠. If North opens 1NT, South will transfer and "Pass". If Norht opens 1♥ and rebids 1NT (like I said they would) then South will bid 1♠ followed by 2♠ showing a weak hand with a six card suit. |
Doesn't matter |
Hand 22
Dealer: EastE/W Vul |
North♠T5♥Q9♦K3 ♣J986532 |
West♠432 ♥KJ65♦854 ♣QT7 |
East♠98♥AT832♦AT2 ♣AK4 |
South♠AKQJ76♥74♦QJ976 ♣ |
N/S 4♠
N/S 4♦
E 2♥
W 1♥
South has a very strong hand. If they evaluate it properly I don't think East opening 1NT or 1♥ will make any difference. South will bid to the number of ♠ they feel they can make. |
Doesn't matter |
Hand 23
Dealer: SouthAll Vul |
North♠T4♥T72♦KJT932 ♣95 |
West♠AJ96532 ♥AK♦A ♣864 |
East♠7♥943♦Q874 ♣QJT72 |
South♠KQ8♥QJ865♦65 ♣AK3 |
E/W 4♣
E/W 4♠
N/S 2♥
N/S 1♦
West is going to get in there and bid that suit no matter what South opens. |
Doesn't matter |
Hand 24
Dealer: WestNone Vul |
North♠QJ7♥6♦T82 ♣AQ6542 |
West♠KT3 ♥QJT83♦AJ ♣KJT |
East♠A9♥AK97542♦K73 ♣3 |
South♠86542♥♦Q9654 ♣987 |
E/W 6♥
I think both opening bids will get you to a small slam in ♥. |
Doesn't matter. |
Hand 25
Dealer: NorthE/W Vul |
North♠QJ9♥KQ932♦K62 ♣A5 |
West♠K73 ♥T74♦T543 ♣J96 |
East♠A82♥A6♦AQJ9 ♣KQ84 |
South♠T654♥J85♦87 ♣T732 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 25 |
My verdict for 25 |
Hand 26
Dealer: EastAll Vul |
North♠8♥JT65♦Q52 ♣98732 |
West♠KQ954 ♥K87♦J3 ♣K64 |
East♠JT♥AQ943♦AT4 ♣AQ5 |
South♠A7632♥2♦K9876 ♣JT |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 26 |
My verdict for 26 |
Hand 27
Dealer: SouthNone Vul |
North♠A72♥T862♦Q53 ♣AJT |
West♠T4 ♥93♦9764 ♣Q9654 |
East♠J9863♥74♦AKJ2 ♣K2 |
South♠KQ5♥AKQJ5♦T8 ♣873 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 27 |
My verdict for 27 |
Hand 28
Dealer: WestN/S Vul |
North♠AT6♥K83♦KT874 ♣53 |
West♠J85 ♥AQ972♦AQ2 ♣Q7 |
East♠Q9732♥T4♦J3 ♣K642 |
South♠K4♥J65♦965 ♣AJT98 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 28 |
My verdict for 28 |
Hand 29
Dealer: NorthAll Vul |
North♠AK♥QJ653♦T53 ♣AK7 |
West♠74 ♥KT9♦KQ864 ♣Q62 |
East♠J98532♥A42♦72 ♣T5 |
South♠QT6♥87♦AJ9 ♣J9843 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 29 |
My verdict for 29 |
Hand 30
Dealer: EastNone Vul |
North♠Q52♥T42♦QJ94 ♣J92 |
West♠AKJ ♥Q♦T87532 ♣A83 |
East♠84♥AKJ63♦AK6 ♣754 |
South♠T9763♥9875♦ ♣KQT6 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 30 |
My verdict for 30 |
Hand 31
Dealer: SouthN/S Vul |
North♠Q8♥Q8♦9862 ♣QJT96 |
West♠K742 ♥K52♦T543 ♣K8 |
East♠T965♥T64♦KQ7 ♣A52 |
South♠AJ3♥AJ973♦AJ ♣743 |
N/S 2♣
N/S 1♥
E/W 2♠
E/W 1♦
Either way N/S will get to 1NT. If South opens 1♥, North will respond 1NT and play it there. If South opens 1NT they will play it there. |
Doesn't matter |
Hand 32
Dealer: WestE/W Vul |
North♠JT6♥32♦QJ984 ♣965 |
West♠AK8 ♥T9764♦A3 ♣AJ3 |
East♠752♥AKQ♦KT2 ♣T842 |
South♠Q943♥J85♦765 ♣KQ7 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 32 |
My verdict for 32 |
Hand 33
Dealer: North |
North♠97♥AKJ62♦KQ2 ♣A64 |
West♠KJ84 ♥54♦A9743 ♣Q3 |
East♠T652♥T8♦JT86 ♣KJ9 |
South♠AQ3♥Q973♦5 ♣T8752 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 33 |
My verdict for 33 |
Hand 34
Dealer: East |
North♠T43♥85♦QJT654 ♣87 |
West♠KQ62 ♥A97♦97 ♣AT94 |
East♠A85♥KQJ64♦K32 ♣Q6 |
South♠J97♥T32♦A8 ♣KJ532 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 34 |
My verdict for 34 |
Hand 35
Dealer: South |
North♠J82♥QJ8♦KQ72 ♣T74 |
West♠6 ♥T532♦J9543 ♣J52 |
East♠KQ97543♥9♦6 ♣AK98 |
South♠AT♥AK764♦AT8 ♣Q63 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 35 |
My verdict for 35 |
Hand 36
Dealer: West |
North♠KQJT7♥3♦8 ♣AQ9862 |
West♠A86 ♥AK954♦J52 ♣KJ |
East♠9543♥QJ762♦T6 ♣73 |
South♠2♥T8♦AKQ9743 ♣T54 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 36 |
My verdict for 36 |
Hand 37
Dealer: North |
North♠AJ♥QT963♦KJ3 ♣AJ7 |
West♠T7542 ♥854♦987 ♣T4 |
East♠Q983♥72♦T652 ♣K32 |
South♠K6♥AKJ♦AQ4 ♣Q9865 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 37 |
My verdict for 37 |
Hand 38
Dealer: East |
North♠T72♥A53♦A632 ♣J73 |
West♠9 ♥K74♦J984 ♣K9865 |
East♠A85♥QT986♦KQT ♣AT |
South♠KQJ643♥J2♦75 ♣Q42 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 38 |
My verdict for 38 |
Hand 39
Dealer: South |
North♠A765432♥5♦T4 ♣KJ5 |
West♠JT9 ♥Q94♦AK853 ♣94 |
East♠Q♥T873♦762 ♣AT763 |
South♠K8♥AKJ62♦QJ9 ♣Q82 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 39 |
My verdict for 39 |
Hand 40
Dealer: West |
North♠A52♥KJ853♦76 ♣K72 |
West♠K73 ♥AQ642♦A95 ♣A5 |
East♠QJT98♥9♦43 ♣JT964 |
South♠64♥T7♦KQJT82 ♣Q83 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 40 |
My verdict for 40 |
Hand 41
Dealer: North |
North♠KT7♥KQT98♦AK4 ♣98 |
West♠QJ543 ♥75♦QJT ♣K43 |
East♠986♥A64♦852 ♣AQ76 |
South♠A2♥J32♦9763 ♣JT52 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 41 |
My verdict for 41 |
Hand 42
Dealer: East |
North♠K72♥5♦AJT842 ♣K98 |
West♠J986 ♥A2♦65 ♣76542 |
East♠Q5♥QJ874♦KQ7 ♣AQJ |
South♠AT43♥KT963♦93 ♣T3 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 42 |
My verdict for 42 |
Hand 43
Dealer: South |
North♠KQ653♥♦5 ♣KT96432 |
West♠AT4 ♥T972♦KT98 ♣87 |
East♠92♥J543♦AQJ642 ♣5 |
South♠J87♥AKQ86♦73 ♣AQJ |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 43 |
My verdict for 43 |
Hand 44
Dealer: West |
North♠Q7♥Q62♦A876 ♣KJT6 |
West♠AJ ♥JT975♦KJ9 ♣AQ7 |
East♠K832♥A8♦52 ♣98532 |
South♠T9654♥K43♦QT43 ♣4 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 44 |
My verdict for 44 |
Hand 45
Dealer: North |
North♠KQJ♥QJT93♦64 ♣AQ2 |
West♠7652 ♥K62♦9853 ♣87 |
East♠A♥8754♦AKQJ72 ♣93 |
South♠T9843♥A♦T ♣KJT654 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 45 |
My verdict for 45 |
Hand 46
Dealer: East |
North♠K8732♥742♦K8 ♣742 |
West♠4 ♥AT63♦QT652 ♣KJ6 |
East♠QT6♥KQJ98♦A3 ♣A83 |
South♠AJ95♥5♦J974 ♣QT95 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 46 |
My verdict for 46 |
Hand 47
Dealer: South |
North♠J874♥AT73♦985 ♣73 |
West♠KQT2 ♥9♦642 ♣AQJ96 |
East♠953♥K84♦KQT7 ♣T82 |
South♠A6♥QJ652♦AJ3 ♣K54 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 47 |
My verdict for 47 |
Hand 48
Dealer: West |
North♠T976♥T7♦AQJ4 ♣J85 |
West♠A3 ♥A9852♦K82 ♣AQ4 |
East♠854♥KJ6♦73 ♣K9763 |
South♠KQJ2♥Q43♦T965 ♣T2 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 48 |
My verdict for 48 |
Hand 49
Dealer: North |
North♠K85♥AJT96♦KQ ♣A94 |
West♠A72 ♥743♦532 ♣JT32 |
East♠QT9♥Q85♦J987 ♣Q76 |
South♠J643♥K2♦AT64 ♣K85 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 49 |
My verdict for 49 |
Hand 50
Dealer: East |
North♠QJT432♥853♦8 ♣A64 |
West♠87 ♥64♦AQJT7532 ♣3 |
East♠96♥AKJ92♦K96 ♣KQJ |
South♠AK5♥QT7♦4 ♣T98752 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 50 |
My verdict for 50 |
Hand 51
Dealer: South |
North♠J63♥AQJ6♦K976 ♣52 |
West♠KT87 ♥532♦8532 ♣43 |
East♠A952♥8♦T4 ♣AKT876 |
South♠Q4♥KT974♦AQJ ♣QJ9 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 51 |
My verdict for 51 |
Hand 52
Dealer: West |
North♠Q8♥A74♦A874 ♣8654 |
West♠A94 ♥KQJ85♦QJ ♣QJ9 |
East♠K6532♥32♦K ♣AKT73 |
South♠JT7♥T96♦T96532 ♣2 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 52 |
My verdict for 52 |
Hand 53
Dealer: North |
North♠K4♥KQJT3♦AJ3 ♣Q83 |
West♠Q732 ♥872♦765 ♣AK9 |
East♠T965♥5♦Q9842 ♣542 |
South♠AJ8♥A964♦KT ♣JT76 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 53 |
My verdict for 53 |
Hand 54
Dealer: East |
North♠762♥AK5♦AJ86532 ♣ |
West♠KT54 ♥Q♦94 ♣KT7653 |
East♠AJ♥T6432♦KQT ♣AQ8 |
South♠Q983♥J987♦7 ♣J942 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 54 |
My verdict for 54 |
Hand 55
Dealer: South |
North♠KJ8♥T64♦832 ♣QJ87 |
West♠QT952 ♥9♦AKT5 ♣653 |
East♠64♥KQ52♦J96 ♣KT42 |
South♠A73♥AJ873♦Q74 ♣A9 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 55 |
My verdict for 55 |
Hand 56
Dealer: West |
North♠972♥K6♦K632 ♣AT92 |
West♠AJ6 ♥QJ752♦A7 ♣QJ6 |
East♠KT5♥AT4♦T9854 ♣53 |
South♠Q843♥983♦QJ ♣K874 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 56 |
My verdict for 56 |
Hand 57
Dealer: North |
North♠AQJ♥Q6532♦A7 ♣A76 |
West♠KT83 ♥9♦KT853 ♣K83 |
East♠97542♥AKJ♦J62 ♣T2 |
South♠6♥T874♦Q94 ♣QJ954 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 57 |
My verdict for 57 |
Hand 58
Dealer: East |
North♠JT6♥64♦AK98764 ♣3 |
West♠A85 ♥♦53 ♣KT987654 |
East♠432♥KQ753♦QJ ♣AQJ |
South♠KQ97♥AJT982♦T2 ♣2 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 58 |
My verdict for 58 |
Hand 59
Dealer: South |
North♠AK76♥J76♦2 ♣KQT96 |
West♠T42 ♥T983♦KQJ63 ♣4 |
East♠953♥4♦AT54 ♣J8752 |
South♠QJ8♥AKQ52♦987 ♣A3 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 59 |
My verdict for 59 |
Hand 60
Dealer: West |
North♠J62♥42♦Q973 ♣AJ43 |
West♠AT9 ♥AKJ98♦T2 ♣K98 |
East♠Q4♥Q63♦854 ♣QT652 |
South♠K8753♥T75♦AKJ6 ♣7 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 60 |
My verdict for 60 |
Hand 61
Dealer: North |
North♠K96♥Q9762♦AK ♣A43 |
West♠A82 ♥K3♦QT976 ♣QT9 |
East♠QT4♥AJ854♦5 ♣K876 |
South♠J753♥T♦J8432 ♣J52 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 61 |
My verdict for 61 |
Hand 62
Dealer: East |
North♠AJ92♥9876♦J7654 ♣ |
West♠Q4 ♥JT2♦AT8 ♣T8543 |
East♠T73♥AQ543♦92 ♣AKQ |
South♠K865♥K♦KQ3 ♣J9762 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 62 |
My verdict for 62 |
Hand 63
Dealer: South |
North♠KT63♥♦QT952 ♣7632 |
West♠AJ2 ♥T9♦AJ4 ♣KQ984 |
East♠975♥KJ8732♦863 ♣J |
South♠Q84♥AQ654♦K7 ♣AT5 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 63 |
My verdict for 63 |
Hand 64
Dealer: West |
North♠JT98♥♦JT987 ♣QT98 |
West♠73 ♥AKQJ2♦K54 ♣KJ6 |
East♠AKQ6♥8763♦3 ♣A752 |
South♠542♥T954♦AQ62 ♣43 |
This is where I put the analysis for hand 64 |
My verdict for 64 |