Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Declarer Play Problem #8 - 4 Hearts

This post talks about counting losers in a trump contract. If you want some practice on doing that please read this post first:
Counting Losers

The reason why bridge players count losers in a trump contract is to determine whether or not Declarer has enough losers that they will not be able to make their contract. If Declarer has too many losers to make their contract they have to figure out a way to get rid of some of their losers! If Declarer has losers but will still make their contract they try to figure out if they can avoid some of their losers without jeopardizing their contract. Bridge players are a bit greedy in that sense.

To avoid some losers you might have to try a finesse. If you are not sure what a finesse is try these posts:
The Finesse
More Finessing
Eight Ever, Nine Never

This post also talks about playing high cards from the short side. If you are not sure what this means check out this post:
Declarer Play - High Cards from the Short Side

If you want to see me walk through a few hands with you check out these posts:
Counting Losers in Action -- 4 Spades
Counting Losers in Action – 3 Spades

This post is designed to test your declarer play in a trump contract. Count your losers and determine how you will play the contract. For example you could say "I have 4 losers and I will try the ♣ finesse to try to get rid of my ♣ loser!" Or you could say "I have 3 losers and no way to get rid of any of them!"

So let's practice. The final contract is 4. The lead is the K♣. Count the losers in the ♠ suit. Count the losers in the suit. Count the losers in the suit. Count the losers in the ♣ suit. Do you have too many losers? If yes, can you get rid of any so you can make your contract? If no, can you try to get rid of any so you make overtricks?

Contract:4 Opening lead: K♣.



Count the losers in Declarer's Hand:

What is your plan to get rid of the losers?

How will you play the contract?

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