Thursday, November 29, 2018
Playing matchpoints. You are not vulnerable and the Opponents are vulnerable.
Here is your hand:
RHO (Right Hand Opponent) is Dealer and opens the bidding 2♠. You ask and are told that this is a WEAK 2 bid. Your RHO has six ♠ but not very many points. What is your call?
Show Answer
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Responding when the Opponents Pre-empt
Playing matchpoints. You are not vulnerable and the Opponents are vulnerable.
Here is your hand:
Partner is Dealer and opens the bidding 1♦. Your RHO (Right Hand Opponent) says 3♥. (Oh yeah, they are making it tough for you!) What is your call?
Show Answer
Do you play Negative Doubles? This is a perfect Negative Double! It tells Partner you have at least four ♠ and some values also.
That would be my first choice -- but I play Negative Doubles.
If you don't play Negative Doubles you've still got to do something. You probably have a ♦ fit. Pretty much all the time Partner will open 1♦ on a four card suit.
If you play in ♦ you get to count Dummy points. You've got a very useful singleton and you can add 3 more points to your hand. That brings your total to 16 points. More than enough to go to game in ♦.
If you bid 4♦ Partner will "Pass" (your 4♦ bid shows a much weaker hand than the one you have) and you missed a game.
If you either bid 5♦ or cuebid the Opponent's suit to show a strong hand you got to your 5♦ game which makes. Good job!
Monday, November 26, 2018
What to respond
Playing matchpoints. Neither you nor the Opponents are vulnerable.
Here is your hand:
Your Partner opens the bidding 1♦. Your RHO (Right Hand Opponent) says 1♠. What is your call?
Show Answer
Do you play Negative Doubles? I hope so because this is a perfect one!
This shows either four ♥ OR longer ♥ but with less than 10 HCP.
Saturday, November 24, 2018
What will you Rebid?
Playing matchpoints. You are vulnerable and the Opponents are not.
Here is your hand:
You are Dealer and open the bidding 1♦. The Opponents are silent during the auction. Partner bids 1♠. What is your call? (Better count your High Card Points twice before you decide!)
Show Answer
I can hear you right now. "What?!? I've got EIGHTEEN High Card Points! I have to JUMP to 3♣ to show a big hand.
Let me ask you this -- if Partner has a lousy 6 points (and let's face it sometimes Partner will respond with fewer!) and no fit for you do you really want to be in a game?
No? Well bidding 3♣ does show a big hand -- big enough to go to game once Partner responds no matter how lousy Partner's hand is. It's a jump shift and jump shifts are game forcing.
If you bid 2♣ Partner might take another bid. THEN you can show a stronger hand. If Partner has to say "Pass" to 2♣ you probably aren't going to make a game.
P.S. If you jumped to 3♣ you got the partnership to game and Partner has the lousy 6 point hand. You go down.
If you bid a simple 2♣, Partner responds 2♦. You can now bid 3♦ just in case Partner has something useful but Partner doesn't and Passes. Which is a GOOD thing because you only make 3♦.
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Playing matchpoints. Neither you nor the Opponents are vulnerable.
Here is your hand:
Your Partner opens the bidding 1♦. Your RHO (Right Hand Opponent) says "Pass". What is your call?
Show Answer
I like 2♦.
Yes, Partner only promises three ♦ when they open the bidding 1♦ but most of the time they have four ♦. So most of the time you will have a fit. Plus the only other call you could make would be 1NT. (2♣ would show 10 or more HCP which you do not have.) I hate to bid 1NT with no high cards in either major if I have other options.
However 1NT wouldn't be wrong exactly. Just maybe more likely to not work out.
Partner can take nine tricks in ♦.
You cannot even take seven tricks if you play in 1NT.
Monday, November 19, 2018
What to Respond?
Playing matchpoints. You are vulnerable and the Opponents are not.
Here is your hand:
Partner is Dealer and opens the bidding 1♠. The Opponents are silent through the auction. What is your call?
Show Answer
You have enough points you NEED to respond to Partner. "Passing" says you don't even have 6 HCP (High Card Points). Remember Partner might just have 20 HCP over there and is just waiting for you to respond so they can bid a game.
You also don't want to bid 1NT. That actually DENIES having three card support for Partner's major suit opening bid.
2♠ says that you have about 6 to a bad 10 points and three or more ♠. Perfect!
Friday, November 16, 2018
What to Open?
Playing matchpoints. You are vulnerable and the Opponents are not.
Here is your hand:
You are Dealer. What is your call?
Show Answer
Just open 1♠.
Opening the bidding with 3♠ shows seven ♠ but it also shows a WEAK hand.
With an opening hand, open at the 1 level. You can always jump later on.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Rebidding after Partner makes a Negative Double showing both Majors and RHO Raises 1 Level
This post builds on the knowledge learned in previous posts. Please read them first:
Introducing the Negative Double - Auctions showing Spades
Responding to a 1 Level Negative Double when RHO passes
Responding to a Negative Double when RHO raises 1 level
Negative Doubles to show Hearts
Responding to a Negative Double with Hearts RHO Passes
Responding to a Negative Double which shows Hearts when RHO raises 1 level
and most importantly:
Negative Doubling to show BOTH Majors
Rebidding after Partner makes a Negative Double showing both Majors
After your Partner makes a Negative Double, sometimes your RHO (Right Hand Opponent) raises their partner's overcall and you are no longer forced to bid. In an auction where Partner has shown four of both majors and you have four of at least one major you still want to tell Partner. But now the level you respond at will change since your RHO took up a level.
Let's look at this auction:
and here is your hand:
You want to compete. You have a ♠ fit. If the Opponents did not interfere and Partner had responded 1♠ you would have raised to 2♠. You can still do that. That still shows a minimum opening bid.
What if your hand was stronger? What do you do then?
With a VERY stong hand, say this one:
just like before you can just go right to game. Bid 4♠. Partner is supposed to have at least 6 HCP to make the Negative Double. You have 19 HCP! That should be enough to make a game.
With a more medium type hand you can jump one level. Now you need to bid at the 3 level since the Opponents competed with 2♦.
So with this hand:
you would jump to 3♠. That tells Partner that you have more than just a minimum opener, but not quite enough to bid a game.
Remember you can add Dummy points to your hand even though you will be Declarer.
That's quite a bit of information. Let's practice! That might make things a bit more clear.
On the following hands YOU opened the bidding 1♣. Your LHO (Left Hand Opponent) overcalled 1♦. Partner doubled. You have agreed to play Negative Doubles and this is one! Partner has at least 6 HCP and at least four cards in both majors. Your RHO (Right Hand Opponent) bids 2♦. It is your bid. What will you bid and what does that bid show?
So the auction was:
With a minimum opening hand (and a fit!) bid just 2 of the major. This should show up to a bad 16 points.
With a medium opening hand (and a fit!) jump to 3 of the major. This should show a really good 16 points to 18 points.
With a maximum opening hand (and a fit!) bid 4 of the major. This should show at least 19 points.
(Remember to count Dummy points!)
Hand 1
♠ AK74
♥ A73
♦ T2
♣ Q543
Hand 2
♠ A876
♥ QJ2
♦ 9
♣ AQ985
Hand 3
♠ A82
♥ K842
♦ J
♣ KQ952
Hand 4
♠ J842
♥ A5
♦ Q2
♣ AK972
Hand 5
♠ K5
♥ KJ43
♦ 64
♣ AK842
Hand 6
♠ KQJ8
♥ K83
♣ KJT832
Hand 7
♠ Q9
♥ KQT5
♦ 872
♣ AK75
Hand 8
♠ J87
♥ KQ52
♦ Q
♣ AK643
Hand 9
♠ 4
♥ AJ96
♦ T9
♣ AKQ764
Hand 10
♠ Q6
♥ AQT6
♦ J4
♣ AJT53
Hand 11
♠ A53
♥ KQ72
♦ 6
Hand 12
♠ AQT3
♥ K75
♣ AKJ873
Hand 13
♠ AK2
♥ KT65
♦ 5
♣ AQT42
Hand 14
♠ 8
♥ AQ64
♦ AJ4
♣ AJ843
Hand 15
♠ AT9
♥ AT82
♦ J4
♣ KJT6
Hand 16
♠ AJ95
♥ AK4
♣ KT9765
Hand 17
♠ K42
♥ JT43
♦ Q4
♣ AKJ8
Hand 18
♠ 87
♥ KQT5
♦ JT4
♣ AK85
Hand 19
♠ AJ97
♥ KQ9
♦ J
♣ AQ863
Hand 20
♠ KT82
♥ T98
♦ AK
♣ K642
Hand 21
♠ 85
♥ Q752
♦ K76
♣ AKQ4
Hand 22
♠ 73
♥ AKT8
♦ T76
♣ AQT5
Hand 23
♠ AKT9
♥ 86
♦ 953
♣ AK54
Hand 24
♠ A976
♥ A76
♦ 6
♣ KQJ72
Hand 25
♠ K5
♥ AQ52
♦ A54
♣ AQ74
Hand 26
♠ AK2
♥ AJ52
♦ 4
♣ QT976
Hand 27
♠ AJ85
♥ 852
♣ AKQ742
YOU! | Your Left Hand Opponent | Partner | Your Right Hand Opponent |
1♣ | 1♦ | Double | 2♦ |
??? |
YOU! | Your Left Hand Opponent | Partner | Your Right Hand Opponent |
1♣ | 1♦ | Double | 2♦ |
??? |
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Rebidding after Partner makes a Negative Double showing both Majors
This post builds on the knowledge learned in previous posts. Please read them first:
Introducing the Negative Double - Auctions showing Spades
Responding to a 1 Level Negative Double when RHO passes
Responding to a Negative Double when RHO raises 1 level
Negative Doubles to show Hearts
Responding to a Negative Double with Hearts RHO Passes
Responding to a Negative Double which shows Hearts when RHO raises 1 level
and most importantly:
Negative Doubling to show BOTH Majors
Once Partner makes a Negative Double you (as Opener) are basically forced to bid. It's a little bit like a Take Out Double. If you "Pass" the Negative Double, the Opponents are playing at a low level contract and neither you, nor Partner, has very many trump. So you NEED to respond. Let's look at hands where Partner made a Negative Double at the 1 level to show that they have both major suits.
So the auction would be:
and here is your hand:
If you "Pass" right now your LHO is playing in 1♦ Doubled and you only have two trump. Partner doesn't have to have any! So you cannot "Pass".
Partner's Double told you that they have at least four ♠ in their hand. Perfect! You have four ♠! You have a ♠ fit!
You need to tell Partner that you have a fit. But you don't want Partner thinking you have much in the way of points. You are minimum for your opening bid. Bid 1♠. That tells Partner that you have a fit, but you only have a minimum hand.
What if your hand was stronger? What do you do then?
With a VERY stong hand, say this one:
you can just go right to game. Bid 4♠. Partner is supposed to have at least 6 HCP to make the Negative Double. You have 19 HCP! That should be enough to make a game.
With a more medium type hand you can jump one level.
So with this hand:
you would jump to 2♠. That tells Partner that you have more than just a minimum opener, but not quite enough to bid a game.
Can you count extra points somehow?
Say you had this hand:
You opened the bidding 1♣. If the Opponents had not interfered Partner would have responded 1♠. You have a fit and you will be Dummy. You can now add Dummy points to your hand. So now rather than 15 HCP in your hand you have 18 points because you get to count three points for your singleton ♦. It seems unfair that when the Opponents interfere with a 1♦ overcall you no longer get those points.
It is unfair. Give them to yourself!
So add Dummy points to your hand even though you will be Declarer.
So that 15 HCP hand now becomes an 18 point hand. You can now jump a level to 2♠ to show a hand with about 17 or 18 points -- even a really good 16 point hand.
That's quite a bit of information. Let's practice! That might make things a bit more clear.
On the following hands YOU opened the bidding 1♣. Your LHO (Left Hand Opponent) overcalled 1♦. Partner doubled. You have agreed to play Negative Doubles and this is one! Partner has at least 6 HCP and at least four cards in BOTH Majors. Your RHO (Right Hand Opponent) says "Pass". It is your bid. What will you bid and what does that bid show?
So the auction was:
With a minimum opening hand (and a fit!) bid just 1 of your four card major. This should show up to a bad 16 points.
With a medium opening hand (and a fit!) jump to 2 of your four card major. This should show a really good 16 points to 18 points.
With a maximum opening hand (and a fit!) bid 4 of your four card major. This should show at least 19 points.
(Remember to count Dummy points!)
Hand 1
♠ 85
♥ Q752
♦ K76
♣ AKQ4
Hand 2
♠ J842
♥ A5
♦ Q2
♣ AK972
Hand 3
♠ AJ97
♥ KQ9
♦ J
♣ AQ863
Hand 4
♠ AK2
♥ KT65
♦ 5
♣ AQ842
Hand 5
♠ K5
♥ AQ52
♦ A54
♣ AQ74
Hand 6
♠ Q9
♥ KQT5
♦ 872
♣ AK75
Hand 7
♠ A976
♥ A76
♦ 6
♣ KQJ72
Hand 8
♠ J87
♥ KQ52
♦ Q
♣ AK643
Hand 9
♠ AK74
♥ A73
♦ T2
♣ Q543
Hand 10
♠ 73
♥ AKT8
♦ T76
♣ AQT5
Hand 11
♠ Q6
♥ AQT6
♦ J4
♣ AJT53
Hand 12
♠ AT9
♥ AT82
♦ J4
♣ KJT6
Hand 13
♠ AKT9
♥ 86
♦ 953
♣ AK54
Hand 14
♠ 4
♥ AJ96
♦ T9
♣ AKQ764
Hand 15
♠ KT82
♥ T98
♦ AK
♣ K642
Hand 16
♠ A82
♥ K842
♦ J
♣ KQ952
Hand 17
♠ AQT3
♥ K74
♦ 8
♣ AKJ83
Hand 18
♠ K42
♥ JT43
♦ Q4
♣ AKJ8
Hand 19
♠ AK2
♥ AJ52
♦ 4
♣ QT976
Hand 20
♠ AJ85
♥ 852
♣ AKQ432
Hand 21
♠ K5
♥ KJ43
♦ 64
♣ AK842
Hand 22
♠ 8
♥ AQ64
♦ AJ4
♣ AJ843
Hand 23
♠ A53
♥ KQ72
♦ 6
Hand 24
♠ A876
♥ QJ2
♦ 9
♣ AQ985
Hand 25
♠ 87
♥ KQT5
♦ JT4
♣ AK85
Hand 26
♠ KQJ8
♥ K83
♣ KJT832
Hand 27
♠ AJ95
♥ AK4
♦ 9
♣ KT976
YOU! | Your Left Hand Opponent | Partner | Your Right Hand Opponent |
1♣ | 1♦ | Double | Pass |
??? |
YOU! | Your Left Hand Opponent | Partner | Your Right Hand Opponent |
1♣ | 1♦ | Double | Pass |
??? |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Negative Doubling to show BOTH Majors
This post builds on the knowledge learned in previous posts. Please read them first:
Introducing the Negative Double - Auctions showing Spades
Responding to a 1 Level Negative Double when RHO passes
Responding to a Negative Double when RHO raises 1 level
Negative Doubles to show Hearts
Responding to a Negative Double with Hearts RHO Passes
Responding to a Negative Double which shows Hearts when RHO raises 1 level
Doubling at the 1 level to show both majors is a slightly different auction than doubling to show either ♠ or ♥.
This is the VERY SPECIFIC auction we are looking at:
For this Double you MUST have BOTH suits. After all, both are majors and both are very important. You only need six (or more) HCP (High Card Points) because Partner is only required to bid at the 1 level.
BIDDING the suit (rather than Doubling) at the 1 level NO LONGER shows a FIFTH card in the suit and still shows only six (or more) HCP. The reason bidding only shows a four card suit is that in order to Double you would NEED to have four cards in BOTH majors. If you have only one four card major you would still need to tell Partner about that four card major so therefore bidding the suit needs to be only a four card suit, but you could have more of course.
So this auction:
Bidding 1♥ only shows a FOUR card suit (you could have more) and six or more HCP (you could have more) and is still a forcing bid.
and of course this auction:
Bidding 1♠ only shows a FOUR card suit (you could have more) and six or more HCP (you could have more) and is still a forcing bid.
Does the "Double" show any particular length in each suit?
Good question! It does!
With two FOUR card majors ALWAYS make a Negative Double.
On Hand A, Hand B and Hand C you would start with a "Double" to tell Partner you have both majors.
With two FIVE card majors ALWAYS bid the higher ranking suit first -- 1♠ in this case.
On Hand D, Hand E and Hand F you would start with a 1♠ bid. This just tells Partner you have FOUR of them. You will show this distributional hand with your next bid.
With both a FOUR card major and a FIVE card major make a Negative Double with a weak hand -- less than 10 HCP.
On Hand G, Hand H and Hand I you would start with a "Double" to tell Partner you have both majors.
With both a FOUR card major and a FIVE card major bid your FIVE card major with a strong hand -- a good 10 HCP or more.
On Hand J and Hand K you would start with a 1♠ bid to tell Partner you have at least four ♠. You can always bid ♥ later on.
On Hand L you would start with a 1♥ bid to tell Partner you have at least four ♥. You can always bid ♠ later on.
That's quite a bit of information. Let's practice! That might make things a bit more clear.
On the following hands Partner opened the bidding 1♣. Your RHO (Right Hand Opponent) overcalled 1♦. It is your bid. What will you do?
Keep in mind that you do need values to bid.
Double if you have at exactly four ♥ and four ♠.
Double if you have at EITHER five ♥ and four ♠ with a weak hand OR five ♠ and four ♥ with a weak hand.
Bid a four+ card major.
Bid 1NT to show stoppers in the Opponent's suit with 6 to 10 HCP.
Bid 2NT to show stoppers in the Opponent's suit with 11 or 12 HCP.
Bid 3NT to show stoppers in the Opponent's suit with 13 to 15 HCP.
and last (but not least!) just "Pass" if you have nothing to say.
Here goes. Remember the auction was:
How many High Card Points (HCP) do you have? What will you bid and what does that tell Partner?
Hand 1
♠ K6
♥ QJT82
♦ AJ87
♣ 87
Hand 2
♠ Q9742
♥ A863
♦ 86
♣ 84
Hand 3
♠ K84
♥ K53
♦ QT86
♣ K75
Hand 4
♠ KT86
♥ AQJ5
♦ A97
♣ 73
Hand 5
♠ AT2
♥ AJ987
♦ 542
♣ Q5
Hand 6
♥ AJ43
♦ 8
♣ J82
Hand 7
♠ T983
♥ A6
♦ KT6
♣ AJ86
Hand 8
♠ Q653
♥ J75
♦ 83
♣ KT85
Hand 9
♠ 843
♥ AT8
♦ KQ8
♣ T862
Hand 10
♠ KJT8
♥ AKT7
♦ QT8
♣ J9
Hand 11
♠ J952
♥ QT83
♦ J4
♣ KT5
Hand 12
♠ 987
♥ KJ86
♦ A742
♣ T2
Hand 13
♠ A6532
♥ AKQ8
♦ T76
♣ 4
Hand 14
♠ A32
♥ AQT94
♦ 9765
♣ 6
Hand 15
♠ J95
♥ T75
♦ KQT3
♣ Q53
Hand 16
♠ T62
♥ QT92
♦ 32
♣ KQ72
Hand 17
♠ 9642
♥ AQT74
♦ 942
♣ J
Hand 18
♠ JT8
♥ J96
♦ QJ86
♣ A95
Hand 19
♠ J982
♥ KJT5
♦ AQ3
♣ T4
Hand 20
♠ JT2
♥ K74
♦ Q98752
♣ 3
Hand 21
♠ KT87
♥ KQT8
♦ K83
♣ 32
Hand 22
♠ AT6
♥ 964
♦ AJ7
♣ KT85
Hand 23
♠ QT96
♥ KT762
♦ A9
♣ A6
Hand 24
♠ 8743
♥ 8642
♦ Q8
♣ J87
Hand 25
♠ K72
♥ J64
♣ J753
Hand 26
♠ KQ73
♥ K732
♦ 7
♣ KQ64
Hand 27
♠ 9754
♥ 8765
♦ 8
♣ KQJ2
Hand 28
♠ 98653
♥ Q654
♦ Q
♣ 654
Hand 29
♠ K876
♥ AKJ8
♦ Q954
♣ J
Hand 30
♠ AKT3
♥ JT96
♦ A4
♣ AJ7
Hand 31
♠ Q8
♥ JT7
♦ KQ54
♣ KT54
Hand 32
♠ 9
♥ QT96
♦ KQ65
♣ AJ97
Hand 33
♠ T765
♥ AJ75
♦ 7
♣ A764
Hand 34
♠ K842
♥ A7
♦ AT52
♣ J94
Hand 35
♠ 976
♥ J653
♦ Q54
♣ 964
Hand 36
♠ KQ63
♥ 952
♦ A94
Hand 37
♠ J64
♥ QJ2
♦ AKJ8
♣ J97
Hand 38
♠ AT873
♥ KJ85
♦ T
♣ AT4
Hand 39
♠ Q9
♥ AJ876
♣ A95
Hand 40
♠ AJT2
♥ 865
♦ 75
♣ KT86
Hand 41
♠ T83
♥ KQ4
♣ J863
Hand 42
♠ KT65
♥ A9
♦ K863
♣ J95
Hand 43
♠ AJT8
♥ 9863
♦ 85
♣ K75
Hand 44
♠ Q8754
♥ KQ2
♦ 7432
♣ 8
Hand 45
♠ 98
♥ 86
♦ QT65
♣ 97652
Hand 46
♠ KQJ83
♥ J985
♦ AT5
♣ 8
Hand 47
♠ 982
♥ AJ8
♦ KQ76
♣ K53
Hand 48
♠ T983
♥ Q943
♦ 9
♣ KQ64
Hand 49
♠ QT53
♥ AT62
♦ AQ84
♣ 6
Hand 50
♠ QT84
♥ Q65
♦ 82
♣ AQ97
Hand 51
♠ K43
♥ 54
♦ QJ76542
♣ 7
Hand 52
♠ QJT6
♥ KT85
♦ 7432
♣ A
Hand 53
♠ AT7
♥ A543
♦ 3
♣ AJT62
Hand 54
♠ J92
♥ K94
♦ A653
♣ 643
Hand 55
♠ AQJ43
♥ JT42
♦ AK
♣ 32
Hand 56
♠ A64
♥ KJ86
♦ QT96
♣ 86
Partner | Your Right Hand Opponent | You! |
1♣ | 1♦ | Double |
Partner | Your Right Hand Opponent | You! |
1♣ | 1♦ | 1♥ |
Partner | Your Right Hand Opponent | You! |
1♣ | 1♦ | 1♠ |
Partner | Your Right Hand Opponent | You! |
1♣ | 1♦ | ??? |
Hand A | Hand B | Hand C |
♠K952♥QJ82♦T4♣864 | ♠KQ92♥AJ82♦T4♣J64 | ♠KQ92♥AJ82♦T4♣A64 |
Partner | Your Right Hand Opponent | You! |
1♣ | 1♦ | ??? |
Hand D | Hand E | Hand F |
♠K9542♥QJ842♦4♣64 | ♠KQ942♥AJ842♦4♣J4 | ♠KQ942♥AJ842♦4♣A6 |
Partner | Your Right Hand Opponent | You! |
1♣ | 1♦ | ??? |
Hand G | Hand H | Hand I |
♠K952♥QJ842♦T4♣64 | ♠KQ932♥J842♦T4♣64 | ♠K942♥AJ842♦T4♣64 |
Partner | Your Right Hand Opponent | You! |
1♣ | 1♦ | ??? |
Hand J | Hand K | Hand L |
♠AK985♥KJ42♦T4♣64 | ♠KQ932♥AJ84♦T4♣64 | ♠KQ42♥AJ842♦T4♣A4 |
Partner | Your Right Hand Opponent | You! |
1♣ | 1♦ | ??? |
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Quick Little Questions on Responding:
Just to keep my introduction page a bit cleaner:
Question 1: Responder Rebids
Question 2: Responding with two five card suits
Question 3: Responding to Partner
Question 4: Your Bid
Question 5: Forcing or Invitational?
Question 6: Rebids by Responder
Question 7: Responding - Bid your Four Card Major before NT
Question 8: Responding
Question 9: Responding AGAIN with Two FIVE card suits
Question 10: What Does Responder do Now?
Question 11: What to Respond?
Question 12: Now you need to Rebid!
Question 13: Responding to Partner
Question 14: Rebid
Question 15: Responder must bid
Question 16: Responding to Partner
Question 17: Responder must bid AGAIN!
Question 18: Tough Rebid
Question 19: Rebids by Responder
Question 20: Responder's Bid
Question 21: Responder Rebids
Question 22: Responding
Question 23: What to bid as Responder
Question 24: Responding to Partner
Question 25: What Lie to Tell?
Question 26: Responder Rebids
Question 27: Tough Rebids
Question 28: Responding
Question 29: What to Respond?
Question 30: What to Respond?
Question 31: Rebids by Responder
Question 32: Bids Over 1NT
Question 33: Rebids by Responder
Question 34: Responding
Question 35: What to Respond?
Question 36: Responding
Question 37: Responding
Question 38: Responding
Question 39: Responding AGAIN!
Question 40: Responding
Question 41: Responding
Question 42: Responding
Question 43: Responding to a Take Out Double
Question 44: What to Respond?
Question 45: Responding
Question 46: What to respond
Question 47: Responding when the Opponents Pre-empt
Question 48: What to bid over 1NT
Question 49: Rebids by Responder
Question 50: What does Opener show?
Question 51: Responder Rebids
Question 52: Responding to Partner
Question 53: Responding to a Strong 2 Club bid
Question 54: Your Rebid?
Question 55: Another rebid?
Question 56: Responding to a Take Out Double
Question 57: What to bid
Question 58: What to respond
Question 59: Responding to 2NT
Question 60: What to Respond?
Question 61: What is your Rebid
Question 62: Responder Rebid
Question 63: Responding to 1 Club
Question 64: Responder Rebid
Question 65: What to Respond over 1NT?
Question 66: What to respond to 1NT?
Question 67: Rebid Problem
Question 68: Responder Rebids
Question 69: What to Bid?
Question 70: What to Respond
Question 71: What to Respond?
Question 72: Responding
Question 73: Responding
Question 74: Responding to 1NT
Question 75: Responding
Question 76: Responding to a Strong 2 Club bid
Question 77: What do you respond?
Question 78: Respond!
Question 79: Responding to 1NT
Question 80: What do you do?
Question 81: Responding
Question 82: Rebid
Question 83: What to Respond?
Question 84: Responding to a Pre-empt
Question 85: Rebids by Responder
Question 86: Responder must bid
Question 87: Responder to bid
Question 88: Rebid question
Question 89: Rebids by Responder
Question 90: Rebids by Responder
Question 91: Rebids by Responder over 1NT
Question 92: What to Respond?
Question 93: Responding to 1NT
Question 94: Responder
Question 95: What to Respond?
Question 96: Responder Rebids
Question 97: What should Responder do?
Question 98: Responder must decide
Question 99: Respond
Question 100: Responding
Question 101: Responder
Question 102: Now what?
Question 103: Climactic finale
Question 104: What to respond?
Question 105: What to Respond?
Question 106: Another Rebid!
Question 107: Respond
Question 108: Rebid
Question 109: What to Rpond?
Question 110: Rebids by Responder
Question 111: Bid?
Question 112: What to do?
Question 113: What to Rebid?
Question 114: Rebids
Question 114: Responding
Tough Question: Rebid by Responder
Tough Question: Tough Rebid Question
Tough Question: Responder must make a tough call
Tough Question: What to Rebid?
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