Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Bidding over a Pre-empt

Here is your hand:


Playing matchpoints and everyone is vulnerable. Your RHO (Right Hand Opponent) is Dealer and Passes. You decide to open the bidding 1♠. Your LHO bids 3♣. Your Partner bids 3. Your RHO Passes again.

First think about what Partner is showing.

What is your call?

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Sunday, October 29, 2017

Partner opens 1NT

Here is your hand:


The Opponents are silent during your auction. Partner opens the bidding 1NT. What is your call?

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Friday, October 27, 2017

Responder Promises a FIVE Card Suit

Normally when Responder bids a new suit they only promise a FOUR card suit. Example:
This is the auction:
Opener Responder
1 1♠

Responder is showing at least four ♠ and at least 6 HCP (High Card Points).

(Remember their PARTNER opened the bidding. OPENER needs FIVE and 13 HCP to open the bidding but Responder only needs 6 HCP and a FOUR card suit to respond.)

How about another auction?
Opener Responder
1♣ 1

Responder is showing at least four and at least 6 HCP (High Card Points). Responder could have more than four but they do not promise more than four .

What happens if Responder responds at the 2 level? Does that change things?


Take this auction:
Opener Responder
1 2♣

Since Responder bid a new suit at the 2 level they show at least 10 HCP BUT they are still only showing four ♣. They could have more. (They might even have less if they are stuck!)

HOWEVER there is ONE auction where Opener opens a suit at the 1 level and Responder bids a new suit without jumping and they promise FIVE in the suit.

Do you know the auction?

Opener Responder
1♠ 2

This is the ONE auction where Responder promises a FIVE card suit. When Opener opens 1♠ (they MUST open 1♠) and Responder bids 2 (again they MUST respond 2) this shows that Responder not only has the 10 HCP required to bid at the 2 level but also has a FIVE card suit.

WHY? Why would the inventors of this bidding system do that to us? Why make us memorize one more thing?

The reason is simple.

It is INCREDIBLY easy to find a FOUR FOUR fit once Opener opens the bidding 1♠. However if you allow that Responder could have only a four card when the bid 2 then it would be impossible to find a FIVE THREE fit when Opener opens 1♠.

Don't believe me? I don't blame you. Let's see this in action.

Here is your hand:

Partner opens the bidding 1♠. Here you might want to bid 2. This violates the four card suits up the line rule but you do it at the 1 level so why not the 2 level right? So you bid 2.

Opener has:
Opener raises your suit to 3 since they have a fit with minimum values.

You bid 4 triumphantly! "See, we NEEDED to bid 2 in order to find our fit!" you cry.

Hmmmmm. Really?

Let's take your hand. Partner opens 1♠ and you have this hand:

Let's say that instead of responding 2 you respond 2. (Four card suits up the line.) Do you lose that fit?


Over 2 guess what Opener is going to bid?

Opener has:

2. Now you have found your fit. You can bid 4 and you will have made it to your game in .

Well, what does it really matter?

Here's where it matters.

When Responder has this hand:

and Opener has:

and Opener opens the bidding 1♠.

If Responder promises FIVE when they respond 2 then the partnership will have found their five three fit and be safe and happy in 4. Responder will bid 2. Opener will know they have a FIVE card suit and can raise with three. Opener will bid 3 and Responder will bid 4 to get the partnership to game.

But what happens if Responder only promises a FOUR card suit. Now over 2 Opener cannot show a fit. They will probably bid 2NT to show a minimum, balanced hand.

What does Responder do now?

If Responder bids the again they show a SIX card suit. (On most auctions when Responder rebids their suit they show six cards in that suit.) But Responder does not have a six card suit.

Responder would probably just bid 3NT and hope for the best.

With an eight card fit, playing in four of a major tends to be better for playing in 3NT. Especially when you are a newer player.

Imagine what will happen if the Opponents lead a ♣? Would you rather bid in 3NT or 4?

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Do we DARE? We do! But HOW?

Here is your hand:


The Opponents are silent during your auction. Partner opens the bidding 1. You respond 1. Partner rebids 2♣. It is your turn to bid. What is your call?

Hint: Think very carefully as to what cards you REALLY need from Partner to make a slam.

(I hope you didn't think "the Ace of !" -- Sure it would be nice to have but do you REALLY need it?"

Since I'm in an extremely good mood today I will give you links. Some you may need. Some you will not. All contain useful information and one actually contains the answer!

Lesson: Blackwood -- An Introduction
Lesson: Blackwood -- To Bid or Not to Bid
Lesson: Blackwood or Quantitative?
Lesson: Blackwood -- Asking for Kings
Lesson: Blackwood -- A Summary

Lesson: Gerber - An Introduction
Lesson: Gerber - To Bid or Not to Bid?
Lesson: Gerber or 4NT Quantitative?
Lesson: Gerber -- Asking for Kings
Lesson: Gerber -- A Summary

Trump Suit Asks:
Lesson: Grand Slam Force
Lesson: Trump Suit Quality - 5 of the Major
Lesson: Trump Suit Quality Exercises

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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

What to Open?

Here is your hand:


It is your turn to bid. What is your call?

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Monday, October 23, 2017

Real Life Jacoby Transfer

Here is your hand:


Partner is Dealer and opens the bidding 1NT. You and your Partner have agreed to play Stayman and Jacoby Transfers over NT bids. The Opponents are silent throughout the auction. What will you respond?

This one is pretty easy. Respond 2.

Now Partner bids 2♠ like the good Partner they are. It is your turn to bid. What is your call?

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Saturday, October 21, 2017

To Bid or Not to Bid Blackwood

Here is your hand:

Your Partner opens the bidding 1♠. Your RHO (Right Hand Opponent) says "Pass". You decide to bid 2. This bid is perfect! It shows 10 HCP (High Card Points) and at least five . The Opponents Pass throughout the bidding. Partner responds 4. Partner has extras! What do you do?

Well at the supervised I was called over. "Should I ask for Aces?" they inquire.

"Are you going to bid 7 if Partner has one Ace?" I ask.


"Are you going to stop in 5 if Partner does not have any Aces?" I ask.

They think a little on this. "I have a really nice hand. I think we should be in a slam!"

"So, are you going to stop in 5 if Partner does not have any Aces?" I persist. (Notice how they did not answer my question at all the first time...)

"No. I'm going to bid 6 anyhow. I should, shouldn't I? I have enough for a slam, don't I?" (Here I sense they want a little reassurance. Which I don't give them. Instead I counter with some logic.)

"If you are always going to bid 6 and never going to bid 7 then why are you asking for Aces?"

AHHHHH! That makes sense!

You ONLY ever ask for Aces if the partnership could be off two Aces and you will stop at the 5 level OR the partnership is interested in bidding a grand slam. If you are always going to be in 6 and never in 7 then why ask for Aces? This does not help AT ALL. It just wastes everyone's time and allows the opponents to stick in a lead directing double.

P.S. Slam bid and made. Nice. This hand matches the one from the past 2 days.

Friday, October 20, 2017

What to Rebid?

Remember that hand from yesterday?

Here is your hand again:


Your RHO (Right Hand Opponent) is Dealer and Passes. We decided that this was a good opening bid and we should open 1♠. The Opponents stay silent during the auction. Partner bids a normal Standard American 2.

Two questions:
Question 1: How many points and how many does Partner have?
Question 2: What is your bid?

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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Decision Time

Here is your hand:


Your RHO (Right Hand Opponent) is Dealer and Passes. Will you open? What will you open?

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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Hey, they are bidding MY suit!

Here is your hand:


You are Dealer. You decide to "Pass". LHO says also "Pass". Partner opens the bidding 1♣. Your RHO bids 1♠. What is your call?

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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Define your NT Range

Ah, No Trump. Why must you be so defined?

So Partner can place the contract obviously!

It would be easier if we could bid any number of NT and Partner could just read our minds to know how many High Card Values we have. But they can't. Therefore your NT bid must show a certain range of values. These values differ depending on the auction. Let's put you to the test.

Note that some of these ranges are agreements between you and your Partner. You do NOT have to play the standard way. Just make sure you and Partner agree on the values.

Opener opens NT

Auction 1:

Auction 2:

Auction 3:

Auction 4:
Opener Responder
2♣ 2

Auction 5:
Opener Responder
2♣ 2

Opener Rebids NT

Auction 6:
Opener Responder
1♣ 1

Auction 7:
Opener Responder
1♣ 1

Auction 8:
Opener Responder
1♣ 1

Responder Shows more Values

Auction 9:
Opener Responder
1 2♣

Auction 10:
Opener Responder
1 2♣

Responder bids NT

Auction 11:
Opener Responder
1 1NT

Auction 12:
Opener Responder
1 2NT

Auction 13:
Opener Responder
1 3NT

Auction 14:
Opener Responder
1 1♠
2 2NT

Auction 15:
Opener Responder
1 1♠
2 3NT

Auction 16:
Opener Responder
1♣ 1
1♠ 1NT

Auction 17:
Opener Responder
1♣ 1
1♠ 2NT

Auction 18:
Opener Responder
1♣ 1
1♠ 3NT

Just to Mess Things up the Opponents get Involved!

Partner makes a One Level Suit Overcall

Auction 19:
Opener Overcaller Responder Advancer
1 1♠ Pass 1NT

Auction 20:
Opener Overcaller Responder Advancer
1 1♠ Pass 2NT

Auction 21:
Opener Overcaller Responder Advancer
1 1♠ Pass 3NT

Just to Mess Things up the Opponents get Involved!

Partner makes a Two Level Suit Overcall

Auction 22:
Opener Overcaller Responder Advancer
1♠ 2 Pass 2NT

Auction 23:
Opener Overcaller Responder Advancer
1♠ 2 Pass 3NT

Just to Mess Things up the Opponents get Involved!

Partner Makes a NT Overcall

Auction 24:
Opener Overcaller
1♠ 1NT

Auction 25:
Opener Overcaller
1♠ 2NT

Auction 26:
Opener Opponent Responder Overcaller
1 Pass Pass 1NT

Just to Mess Things up the Opponents get Involved!

Partner Doubles

Auction 27:
Opener Overcaller Responder Advancer
1 Double Pass 1NT

Auction 28:
Opener Overcaller Responder Advancer
1 Double Pass 2NT

Auction 29:
Opener Overcaller Responder Advancer
1 Double Pass 3NT

Monday, October 16, 2017

How do I show this Monster?

Here is your hand:


You are Dealer. You decide to open 1. The opponents Pass throughout. Your Partner says 1NT. What is your call?

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Saturday, October 14, 2017

Responding to a Take Out Double

Here is your hand:


You are Dealer. You decide to "Pass". Your LHO opens the bidding 1♠. Your Partner says "Double". Double here should be TAKE OUT. Partner is saying "Bid your LONGEST suit. I have everything BUT ♠. What is your call?

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Friday, October 13, 2017

Do you really HAVE to complete the Transfer?

Here is your hand:


You are Dealer. What will you open the bidding?

This one is pretty easy. Bidding 2NT shows a balanced hand with either 20 or 21 HCP. Perfect!

You and Partner have agreed to play Stayman and Jacoby Transfers over both a 1NT and 2NT opening bid.

Now Partner bids 3. What is your call?

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Thursday, October 12, 2017

What to Respond?

Here is your hand:


Partner is Dealer and opens the bidding 2NT. The Opponents are silent throughout the auction. What will you respond? You and Partner have agreed that you are playing Jacoby Transfers over a 2NT opening bid as well.

This one is pretty easy. Respond 3.

Now Partner bids 3. After all you did force them to! What is your call?

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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Tough Rebid Question

Here is your hand:


Partner is Dealer and opens the bidding 1♣. The Opponents are silent throughout the auction. What will you respond?

This one is pretty easy. Respond 1. Don't do anything crazy like jumping to 2. That will only confuse things.

Now Partner bids 1♠. It is your turn to bid. What is your call?

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Sunday, October 8, 2017

Responding to Responder

Here is your hand:


You are Dealer and open the bidding 1♠. The Opponents are silent throughout the auction. Partner responds 2. What is your call?

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Saturday, October 7, 2017

Opener Rebids or Do They?

Here is your hand:


You are Dealer and open the bidding 1♠. The Opponents are silent throughout the auction. Partner responds 1NT. What is your call?

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Thursday, October 5, 2017

What to bid Over a Weak 2?

Here is your hand:


You have 17 HCP with a balanced hand. You are about to open 1NT but Dealer is to your right. You have to wait your turn. Sadly your RHO opens the bidding 2. You ask your LHO what the bid means and the answer is "weak 2". This means that your RHO has six and a weak hand (about 6 to 10 HCP). Now it is your turn to bid. You can no longer open the bidding 1NT. What is your call?

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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

What to do?

Here is your hand:


You are Dealer. What is your bid? You are playing match points and nobody is vulnerable.

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Sunday, October 1, 2017

Simple Declarer Play - 3NT

This post talks about counting winners in a trump contract. If you want some practice on doing that please read this post first:
Counting Winners

You are playing 3NT after a simple auction of 1NT (by you, the Declarer), 3NT (by Partner, the Responder). The Opponents did not bid at all.

Contract:3NT Opening lead:5


First let's count winners.

How many winners does Declarer have in each of the suits?

Hmmmm. Doesn't look like you have enough winners. What is your plan? What card do you play at trick 2?