Friday, March 17, 2017

Play Question

Here is your hand:

Partner opens the bidding 1♣. Your RHO Passes. What is your bid?

1♠ is a good bid on this hand. No need to jump to 2♠ (that shows a much different hand) since 1♠ is a FORCING bid. Partner MUST bid again.

LHO Passes and Partner bids 4♠. RHO Passes. What is your bid?

Think carefully. What does Partner have?

Most novices think this is a cut off bid. After all, you've just bid a game and that tends to be a sign off bid.

But Partner just bid a game when you have shown a weak hand. All you need to bid 1♠ is 6 HCP. Partner bid a game thinking you have four ♠ and 6 HCP. Partner should have about 19-21 points with four ♠.

This hand should bid again.

Depending on how much you know about exploring slams you can either just bid 6♠ (you have 12 HCP plus 2 Length points) or you can bid Blackwood to find out if you are missing two Aces. If you are not missing two Aces then you can bid 6♠.

In any case you end up in 6♠ and you are Declarer. The opening lead is the 9. When you play low from Dummy your RHO plays their J. How do you play the contract? Will you take twelve tricks?


Your hand:

Tip: Since this is trump you need to count your LOSERS.

Deal out the cards at home and see how you will come to 12 tricks. (Or more!)

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