Hmm this is a tough one. You have a fit for Partner's major and you would like to tell Partner you have a fit. Let's review our responses.
Over a 1 of a Major opening bid, bidding: | Shows |
2 of the Major | 6 to 10 points and at least three trump |
3 of the Major | 11 or 12 points and four trump |
4 of the Major | 6 to 10 points, a singleton or void and at least five trump |
Rebidding when you have a fit for Partner's Major and can count Distribution points
1 of a Major - 4 of a Major
So back to the hand in question:
Partner opens 1♥. What can you say? First count your points. You have 17 HCP and 1 more point for your doubleton. That's 18 points. You have a fit for Partner's major. But what do you bid? How can you tell Partner you have a major suit fit?
You can't say 2♥. You have too many points. You can't say 3♥. You have too many points. You can't say 4♥. You have too many points. Some people have a forcing raise in their Partner's major. You don't. What can you possibly say?
Here you are stuck. You CAN'T tell Partner you have a fit right away. This is okay. Eventually you will bid to at least 4♥. You just can't say that right away. Make another bid. This bid needs to be FORCING. You MUST make Partner bid again.
So on this hand you bid 1♠. This is a new suit by Responder and is 100% FORCING. You could have 6 points, you could have 13 points, you could have 20 points. Partner MUST bid again.
Say after your 1♠ bid Partner rebids 1NT. This should show a minimum balanced hand and no fit for your ♠.
(For more details on showing a balanced hand check out this post:
How to Show Balanced Hands)
Now you know you probably don't have enough for a small slam (Partner might only have 13 HCP) and you also know you have a ♥ fit. Now you can rebid 4♥. This should end the auction.
See, I told you you would eventually get to game in ♥. You just can't bid game right away. That shows a different hand.
Now let's say over your 1♠ bid Partner rebids 3♥. Hmmm. Partner is showing 16-18 HCP and a six card ♥ suit.
(For more details on rebidding your Major check out this post:
Rebidding your original suit - Hearts)
You have 18 points. That is enough for a small slam. Now you will bid 6♥. Yes, just like that. You have enough for a small slam, you don't have enough for a grand slam, just bid 6♥.
Now let's say over your 1♠ bid Partner rebids 3♦. Hmmm. Partner is making a JUMP SHIFT showing about 20 points.
(For more details on Jump Shifts check out these posts:
Jump Shifts
More Jump Shifts )
You have 18 points. That is enough for a grand slam. Now you will bid 7♥. Yes, just like that. You have enough for a grand slam, just bid it!
How about another hand:
Partner opens the bidding 1♥. What will you bid?
Here you have a fit for Partner but again can't tell Partner about it. You need to make a forcing bid. What about 3NT?
NO! 3NT is NOT a forcing bid. 3NT should show 13-15 HCP (which you have) but should DENY having a fit for Partner's major. Partner can PASS 3NT. On this hand you need to bid 2♦. This is a new suit by Responder and is 100% forcing.
Let's practice some forcing major suit raises.
On all the following hands Partner will open the bidding 1♥. How many points do you have? What will you bid?
Hand 1
What will you now bid if Partner responds:
Hand 2
What will you now bid if Partner responds:
Hand 3
What will you now bid if Partner responds:
Hand 4
What will you now bid if Partner responds:
Hand 5
What will you now bid if Partner responds: