When partner opens 1NT you know they hold either 15, 16 or 17 HCP (High Card Points) with a balanced hand. If you hold a balanced hand also you want to play in NT. All that is left to determine is whether or not you want to play in a part-score, game or slam. Add your points to partner's to determine where you want to play. Remember there is no point in bidding any higher than 1NT if you know you cannot make a game.
To make game in 3NT you need between 25 and 32 HCP.
To make 6NT you need between 33 and 36 HCP
To make 7NT you need between 37 and 40 HCP
When responding to partner's opening 1NT this table will help guide you as to what to bid:
Responder has a balanced hand with:
Responder bids:
1NT opener does this:
0-7 HCP
8-9 HCP
Pass with a minimum (15 HCP)
Bid 3NT with a maximum (17 HCP)
10-15 HCP
16-17 HCP
Pass with a minimum (15 HCP)
Bid 6NT with a maximum (17 HCP)
18-19 HCP
20-21 HCP
Bid 6NT with a minimum (15 HCP)
Bid 7NT with a maximum (17 HCP)
22+ HCP
Let's look at some examples:
Example 1
I have 11 HCP with a balanced hand and partner opened 1NT. Since partner is balanced and I am balanced we probably want to play in NT. If partner has 15 HCP, together between the 2 hands we have 26 HCP. That is enough for a game in NT. I want to be in 3NT. If partner has 17 HCP, together between the 2 hands we have 28 HCP. That is enough for a game in NT. I want to be in 3NT. So no matter what partner has I want to be in 3NT. My response to partner's opening bid is 3NT.
Example 2
I have 9 HCP with a balanced hand and partner opened 1NT. Since partner is balanced and I am balanced we probably want to play in NT. If partner has 15 HCP together between the 2 hands we have 24 HCP. That is NOT enough for a game in NT. I want to stay low in the bidding. If partner has 17 HCP together between the 2 hands we have 26 HCP. That IS enough for a game in NT. I want to be in 3NT. Now I am going to have to ask partner whether or not they have 15 HCP or 17 HCP. My response to partner opening 1NT bid is 2NT. This says "Partner, I am interested in a game in NT. If I was not interested in a game in NT I would just 'Pass' and let you play in 1NT. However I cannot quite bid the game myself -- I don't have enough values. I know you could have 15 HCP (in which case you should Pass my 2NT) but I also know you could have 17 HCP. If you have 17 HCP I want you to bid 3NT and we will have a good shot at making game."
There are quite a few examples. Do not feel you need to do all the examples right away. Do a few and come back to them if you want. But I'd rather give you 64 examples and have you quit after 8 rather than give you 8 examples and leave you wanting more! Could I have made a mistake in some of them? Absolutely! If you feel there is an error in the point count or bid, just leave me a message. My editor can be a bit lazy at times so this is more than likely to happen.
On each hand first state how many HCP (High Card Points) you have.
Add your points to partner's if they have 15 and determine where you want to be.
Add your points to partner's if they have 17 and determine where you want to be.
If the answer is the same, that is your bid. If the answer is not the same, you probably need to invite game or slam.
So first state how many HCP and then say what you would bid if your partner opened 1NT and the opponents "Pass".
Hand 1
Great exercises for review!! Thanks