Thursday, January 21, 2016

Bidding Hand

This hand came up today.

You are up and I think everyone would open 1. You have 16 HCP and a very nice suit. Now your partner bids 1NT. Shows about 6-9 HCP. Partner doesn't have to have a balanced hand -- they could be stuck. They do deny having 3 (they will always support partner if they can) and also deny having 4♠.

Question: After partner's 1NT bid what should this hand now bid?


  1. I would bid 3 diamonds on this one.

    1. What a brilliant bid! That's what I'd do. Shows a hand that wants to game force and I think I'm prepared to do that on this hand. Partner doesn't need anything really to make game and not that much to make a slam.

    2. What happens after that bid? Where do they end up?
      With 7 hearts I would have been tempted to rebid 3 hearts -- partner denied having 3 card support for hearts, but maybe they have 2?

    3. If you bid 3 Diamonds you will end up in 4 Hearts. That is the best contract. If you rebid 3 Hearts Partner is very weak and has only 1 Heart. They will "Pass" and you will have missed a game. 3 Hearts does not get across how strong this hand is.

  2. Heidi, I love your Blog. Get's me thinking. I learned quite a bit with the Blog on responding to 1NT with an unbalanced hand....and the exercises are terrific too. Thanks so much!
