Monday, November 30, 2020

Real Life Hand

Hi Heidi,

In the hand below, South considered three possible bids, 2♠, 2NT and 3, each had its shortcomings. What is your analysis and recommendation?

EW vulnerable, East is dealer:


1♣ 1♠ Pass
Pass 2 ???

Heidi's Answer

First of all I don't really like the auction so far. I don't like any of the bids. But we can discuss that later.

I think at this point South should be bidding 3 if they are going to bid. Give Partner a choice of suits.

I don't want to rebid my ♠ suit since I already told Partner I had five of them. I don't want to bid 2NT with no stopper in ♣ plus if Partner is very weak (which they should be in this auction!) NT will not be a fun place to play!

So if South bids 3, North will bid 3♠. They prefer that suit.

South knows that Partner couldn't even raise their 1♠ bid to 2♠ showing 6 to 10 points. They either don't have a fit or don't have any points. They will "Pass" 3♠.

The Result?

On this hand North/South can take 8 tricks in ♠. They should go down in 3♠.

On this hand East/West can take 8 tricks in . They should go down in 3.

How should the bidding go?

If East is going to open the bidding they should open the bidding 1. Yes their ♣ suit is much better but with two five card suits you bid the higher ranking suit first always. Always always always. Both Opener, Responder and even Overcaller!

With 19 HCP South can start with a "Double". This is the "BIG Double" to show a hand too strong to overcall! (But no one at the table knows this yet! Right now it just looks like a normal Take Out Double!)

West will bid 2. They have 6 to 10 points and a fit for Partner's major.

North would have had to bid over South's Take Out Double but West bid and took them off the hook. They are quite happy to "Pass".

East will "Pass".

South will now bid 2♠ to show a hand TOO STRONG to just overcall 1♠.

West will "Pass".

North will probably just "Pass". I like to raise Partner (if I can!) when they Double and bid their suit with not many points at all but this hand is too weak and balanced for me to want to say anything.

Will East compete to 3? With two five card suits they just might.

South will probably Double to show a very strong hand. They have lots of tricks.

Will North leave the Double in? Or will they bid 3♠ since they have support? Who knows. I would say with no tricks in their hand and support for Partner they will probably bid. But with these colours (E/W are VULNERABLE!) they might "Pass" and hope they go down.

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