Friday, September 29, 2017
An Easy Response
Here is your hand:
Your Partner opens the bidding 1♠. Your RHO (Right Hand Opponent) says "Pass". What is your bid?
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Friday, September 8, 2017
Defending 3NT
DEFENCE! Defence is VERY difficult. Too many things to keep track of and you have NO IDEA what Partner has! But we all have to defend at times. So it is best to get used to it. (Or bid more.)
Here is your hand:
The contract is 3NT. You vaguely remember some sort of Stayman auction after LHO opened the bidding 2NT but Partner is on lead so you didn't pay much attention.
Partner leads the T♣.
Dummy comes down with:
Declarer plays small from Dummy. What card do YOU play?
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Dummy♠QT98♥K65♦T64 ♣432 |
PartnerT♣ | You!♠73♥A8♦A964 ♣Q7652 |
Declarer??? |
You SHOULD play third hand HIGH. Play your Q♣.
Is it really that big a deal if you don't? Partner is probably leading top of nothing.
True. Partner could be leading top of nothing in which case it doesn't matter if you play low and it doesn't matter if you play the Q♣.
But what card does Partner lead from:
That's right. The T♣.
If Partner lead from either of those holdings then you NEED to play your Q♣ or Declarer gets TWO ♣ tricks. Declarer only deserves one ♣ trick.
The ♣ holding was this:
If you played low Declarer was allowed to win the trick with the J♣ and they still had the A♣ to win a trick with later on.
If you played your Q♣ then Declarer will not be allowed to score a trick with the J♣. Either now or later on.
Dummy♣432 | ||
Partner♣KT9 | You!♣Q7652 | |
Declarer♣AJ4 |
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Bid over 1NT
Here is your hand:
Your LHO (Left Hand Opponent) is Dealer and says "Pass". Partner bids 1NT which you quickly say "15 to 17" to. Your RHO (Right Hand Opponent) says "Pass". What is your bid?
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You need to bid 3NT.
You have 10 HCP and a balanced hand. Put Partner in game.
Should you mention that ♦ suit?
No. No one cares about that suit. Partner will set it up in NT. Don't give the opponents that information.
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Rebid by Responder
Here is your hand:
Your LHO (Left Hand Opponent) is Dealer and says "Pass". Partner bids 1♣. Your RHO (Right Hand Opponent) says "Pass". What is your bid?
Your first bid is easy. I hope everyone bid 1♥ on this hand. This shows four or more ♥ and at least 6 HCP. This also forces Partner to bid again. Which Partner does. Partner rebids 2♣. Now it is back to you. What do you bid NOW?
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This is a tough one to bid properly.
The thing to remember is that Partner opened the bidding. You also have an opening hand. You NEED to either get Partner to a game or FORCE Partner to bid again so that you can figure out what game you want to bid.
The easiest bid to make is 3NT.
AHHHHH! Without a ♦ stopper?!? How can you possible recommend bidding 3NT without a ♦ stopper!?!
First of all -- relax. The opponents are NOT bidding ♦. If they have all the honours in ♦ and five of them they probably would be bidding ♦.
Second of all Partner opened the bidding. They must have values somewhere. Maybe they have a ♦ card? Sure it COULD be all in the black suits but that would be pretty unlucky. Even then the opponents might not lead a ♦ . Or maybe the ♦ split 4-4 since no one is overcalling the suit.
However I don't actually mind if you don't want to bid 3NT on this hand.
If you don't bid 3NT what are you going to bid?
Believe it or not you need to bid 2♦ on this hand.
Why 2♦? Because it is a FORCING bid. Partner MUST bid again. They will bid 2NT and then you can happily bid 3NT to get to your game.
If you bid 3♣ on this hand guess what? Partner PASSES. You just missed a game.
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Rebid after a Jacoby Transfer
Here is your hand:
Your LHO (Left Hand Opponent) is Dealer and says "Pass". Partner bids 1NT which you quickly say "15 to 17" to. Your RHO (Right Hand Opponent) says "Pass". What is your call? You and Partner have agreed to play Jacoby transfers.
I hope everyone bid 2♥ on this hand. This shows five or more ♠ and does not require any points at all to bid. This also forces Partner to bid 2♠. Which Partner does. Now it is back to you. What do you bid NOW?
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I hope everyone bid 3NT!
You have the values for a game. You NEED to put Partner into a game. After all they have no idea you have this many points.
The problem is you have no idea which game you want to play in. Maybe 3NT? Maybe 4♠?
But remember you TOLD Partner you have five ♠ when you made your Jacoby transfer bid.
Partner KNOWS you have five ♠.
If you bid 3NT Partner can always correct to 4♠. If they have a fit for your ♠ they will.
If you bid 2NT you made a bid Partner can say "Pass" to when you should be in a game.
If you bid 3♠ you showed SIX ♠ in your hand plus invitational values only. Again, this is a bid Partner is allowed to "Pass" if they have only 15 or a bad 16 points.
If you bid 4♠ you showed SIX ♠ in your hand which you don't have. Partner might only have two ♠ in their hand remember? (But at least you bid a game!)
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