Here is your hand:
You are Dealer. What do you open the bidding?
You have 24 HCP. Most players would open this 2♣ saying NOTHING about the ♣ suit -- just saying they have a VERY big hand.
Nothing wrong with opening 2♣ on this hand. Your Partner now bids 2
♦. This says nothing about the
♦ suit. It just says they are waiting to see what you now bid.
So now you have to describe your hand.
What will you bid over Partner's 2
♦ bid?
Show Answer
This is not the greatest hand to find a rebid over.
If you bid 2NT you show a balanced hand with 22 to 24 HCP.
You do NOT have a balanced hand. You have a singleton.
If you bid a suit you are now forcing the partnership to game and showing at least a five card suit.
You do not have a five card suit.
So what is your bid? Which is the best "lie"?
Bidding 2NT is probably the best way to describe the hand. You have an awkward rebid.
I wouldn't encourage you to bid NT with singletons but in case of emergency sometimes you must make the best of a bad situation. Bidding 2NT is better than any other call.
If you REALLY don't want to rebid 2NT on this hand then you must open the bidding 1♦. If Partner responds then you have various ways to force to game. However if Partner doesn't respond you may be stuck in 1♦...
If you feel you have too many HCP to open just 1♦ then rebid 2NT over Partner's 2♦ waiting bid.
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