Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Responding to Partner

Here is your hand:

Partner is Dealer and opens the bidding 1♠. Your RHO says "Pass". It is your turn to bid. You are vulnerable and the opponents are not. You are playing matchpoints. What is your call?

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Tuesday, June 20, 2017


DEFENCE! Defence is VERY difficult. Too many things to keep track of and you have NO IDEA what Partner has! But we all have to defend at times. So it is best to get used to it. (Or bid more.)

Here is your hand:

The contract is 1NT. Your RHO opened the bidding 1NT and was allowed to play there. It is your lead. So what will you lead?

This hand lead a ♠. Technically if you are to lead a ♠ from this holding against NT, you should lead the 3♠. This hand lead the J♠. Not so bad as it turns out.

Dummy comes down with:


Declarer plays small from Dummy. Partner plays a card and Declarer plays a card. You WON the trick!

At this point you might be thinking that you should maybe have paid attention to what the other people played. You didn't. But they probably all followed suit and you don't give signals to each other anyhow (too complicated!) so it wouldn't matter if you did pay attention. It is now your play. What do you do?

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Monday, June 19, 2017


Here is your hand:

You are Dealer. What do you open the bidding?

I think most players would open this 1. This shows at least three and 13 (good 12?) or more HCP.

Your Partner now bids 1. That shows at least four and at least 6 HCP.

What will you bid over Partner's 1 response?

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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Choice of Rebids -- Which is Best?

Here is your hand:

You are Dealer. What do you open the bidding?

I think most players would open this 1. This shows at least three and 13 (good 12?) or more HCP.

Your Partner now bids 1. That shows at least four and at least 6 HCP.

So now you have to describe your hand with your rebid. What will you bid over Partner's 1 response?

If you are not sure what your best rebid is go over all the options to see what rebid is best.

First describe what you are showing when you make each of these rebids. Then select your BEST rebid.

2 (or 3 or 4)
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Saturday, June 17, 2017

Which is my Best Lie?

Here is your hand:

You are Dealer. What do you open the bidding?

You have 24 HCP. Most players would open this 2♣ saying NOTHING about the ♣ suit -- just saying they have a VERY big hand.

Nothing wrong with opening 2♣ on this hand. Your Partner now bids 2. This says nothing about the suit. It just says they are waiting to see what you now bid.

So now you have to describe your hand.

What will you bid over Partner's 2 bid?

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Friday, June 16, 2017

Declarer Play Problem


Here is your hand:

You end up in a 2 contract after your RHO opens the bidding 1NT (15-17 HCP).

The lead was the J♠. You played Q♠ from Dummy and RHO wins the A♠. Then they switch to the Q♣.

What card are you playing from your hand? The King, the nine or the three?

(Hint: Review the bidding!)

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Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Opponents Interfere over a 1NT Bid

Here is your hand:

Your LHO is Dealer. They Pass. Partner bids 1NT. (You make your "15 to 17" announcement like a good little bridge player.) Your RHO bids 2. Your turn to bid.

Look at that. You were just about to bid 2 to transfer Partner to ♠! You remember that you and your Partner are playing "Stolen Bids". That means that IF you "Double", Partner will know that this is a transfer to ♠ and bid accordingly. What is your call? You are playing match points.

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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Overcall or not?

Here is your hand:

Your LHO is Dealer. They Pass. Partner also Passes. Your RHO opens the bidding 1♠. Your turn to bid.

What is your call? You are playing match points.

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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Rebid Problem

Here is your hand:

You decide to open the bidding 1. The opponents passed throughout the bidding. Partner responds 1♠.

What is your bid? You are playing match points.

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Saturday, June 3, 2017

Responding to Partner

Here is your hand:

You decide to open the bidding 1. The opponents passed throughout the bidding. Partner responds 1♠.

What is your bid? You are playing match points.

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