Saturday, February 25, 2017

Throw Losers on Winners

This post talks about counting losers in a trump contract. If you want some practice on doing that please read this post first:
Counting Losers

The reason why we count losers in a trump contract is to figure out whether or not we will make the contract! If we have 4 losers but are in a 4♠ contract we have one too many losers. We have to figure out how to avoid losing one of those losers.

There are several simple ways to get rid of losers. This post talks about throwing some of our losers away on winners.

Contract:4♠ Opening lead:K


First let's count losers. Normally one counts the losers in the hand with the longest trump. That would be Declarer's hand.

How many losers does Declarer have in each of the suits?

There are FOUR losers in Declarer's hand. The problem is that Declarer is only allowed to lose THREE tricks since the contract is 4♠. How will Declarer make this contract? They somehow have to get rid of ONE of their losers.

How will Declarer do this?

An easy way to get rid of losers in one hand is to throw them away on winners from the other hand. If you check out that suit you can see that there are four in Dummy but only three in Declarer's hand. PLUS the are all winners. So when Declarer is playing the from Dummy and runs out of to play in their hand they are allowed to play another suit. This is where Declarer can throw away one of their losers. So Declarer should start with the A from their hand (high card from the short side) and then a low towards the K in Dummy. Then Declarer can play the Q from Dummy and their LAST from their hand. Declarer can now play the J from Dummy and (since that will win the trick) throw away a losing card from their hand. Doesn't really matter what loser they throw away -- either a loser or a ♣ loser will do. But Declarer should now make their contract.

Can they do this right away? Should they win the K with their A and then play the ?

No! Declarer has not yet taken out the Opponents trump! The Opponents will be able to trump before Declarer gets rid of their loser! Declarer needs to take out the Opponents trump first!

So the steps in order are:

Step 1:
Win the Opponents K with the A

Step 2:
Take out ALL the Opponents trump. Even if one of them holds ALL FOUR TRUMP. (They sometimes do!)

Step 3:
Play the suit HIGH CARD from the SHORT SIDE ending in Dummy

Step 4:
Throw away a loser from their hand

Step 5:
Rejoice in a contract well played

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