Sunday, April 17, 2016

Even more Rebids from Responder

Let's try another one of those rebids by Responder.

This is my hand:



Partner opened 1. My turn to bid. What do you think I will bid?

I count my HCP. I have 6 HCP. Not the greatest hand point count wise but I do have quite a few cards in the majors. What will I bid?

Here I will bid 1♠. That one was easy. With two 6 card suits bid the HIGHER ranking one first. Always.

So over our 1♠ bid Partner bids 2♠. What is my bid?

Well, what does Partner show for that bid? They show a fit for ♠ (so they have 4 of them) and they show a minimum opening hand. About 13 to 16 points. I'm just going to take a chance that with all our trump we can make a game and I will bid 4♠. We don't really have the points for it but because of my distribution I'm going to take a chance.

If you want to Pass on that hand that's fine also. With a little bit of experience you will realize that these hands are great when you've found a fit. But nothing wrong with Passing. Just a little timid.

Let's try another response.

This is my hand:



Partner opened 1. I bid 1♠.

Now Partner bids 3♠. What will I bid?

Well, Partner is showing a fit for ♠ (4 of them) and about 17 or 18 points. I have 6 points. I hope you bid 4♠ now! There might be some way of getting to 6♠ but other than just bidding it, I have no idea how. 6♠ is pretty gutsy because you need very specific cards from Partner so I'd probably stick to 4♠.

Let's try another response. This is my hand:



Partner opened 1. I bid 1♠.

Now Partner bids 1NT. What will I bid?

Well, Partner does not have a fit for ♠ (or they would have raised my ♠) and they have about 13 or 14 points with a balanced hand. I know they have a balanced hand because they rebid NT. I know they have 13 or 14 points because with 15 to 17 and a balanced hand they would have opened 1NT. With 18 or 19 and a balanced hand they would have rebid 2NT.

So over Partner's 1NT bid I will bid 2. This is a non-forcing bid. Partner is expected to either Pass or bid 2♠. I will Pass either one.

Let's try yet another response.

This is my hand:



Partner opened 1. I bid 1♠.

Now Partner bids 2NT. What will I bid?

Well, Partner does not have a fit for ♠ (or they would have raised my ♠) and they have about 18 or 19 points. With 20 or 21 points they would have opened 2NT right away.

So over Partner's 2NT bid I will bid 4. We should have enough for a game at least and I want to play in one of the majors. Partner will either Pass or bid 4♠. A hand like this would be good to play in 6 of a major also so bidding 6 is not a bad bid. It can be a little risky though so that's up to you. If you don't mind living on the edge a little bit, bid 6. If you want the sure thing, bid 4. Either way Partner can correct to ♠ if they have longer ♠.

What other responses could Partner make?

This is my hand:



Partner opened 1. I bid 1♠.

Now Partner bids 2♣. What will I bid?

Well, Partner does not have a fit for ♠ (or they would have raised my ♠) and they have both ♣ and . Their should be longer because they opened them first. (You'll find out later that might not be as true as it should be.)

So they should have 5 and 4♣. They are not showing much more than an opening hand but could be stuck with more than a minimum with no way to show it.

Back to my bid.

Probably the best thing to do is bid 2♠ on the hand.

Why 2♠? What about showing my suit? Ask Partner to choose?

Well, 2 is a FORCING bid. (New suit by an unpassed hand.) Partner MUST bid again. Partner won't realize you have this many cards in the majors. They will probably only bid 2♠ if they have 3 of them. They will only raise if they have 4 of them. They will probably either rebid NT or maybe one of their minor suits. Either way you are getting higher and higher with no guarantee of safety.

If Partner has a fit for you this hand is beautiful. If Partner doesn't, this hand is terrible. Bidding 2♠ shows a weak hand with 6♠. It is a non-forcing bid. This is why it is probably the safest bid you can make.

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