Here is your hand:
Your LHO (Left Hand Opponent) opens the bidding 1
♥. Partner bids 1♠. Your RHO (Right Hand Opponent) says "Pass". What is your call?
If it makes a difference, you and Partner are vulnerable and the opponents are not vulnerable.
What is your call?
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I hope everyone PASSED!
You do have 6 HCP. If Partner had OPENED the bidding 1♠ you would be required to respond 1NT.
But Partner did NOT open the bidding. Partner made an OVERCALL. Partner is showing a good five card suit but does NOT necessarily have an opening hand. They are only making a 1 level overcall. You do not need an opening hand for that.
In order for you (as ADVANCER rather than RESPONDER) to bid 1NT now you NEED a stopper in the suit the opponents opened. Since the opponents opened 1♥ you guarantee a trick in the ♥ suit when you bid 1NT.
Plus I would also recommend 8-11 HCP also to make this bid. Partner might make this bid with only 7 or 8 points.